Friday, 7 September 2012

Republican Party

Later of some perturbations, taes as the insensibilidade of the language and the lips, the dryness of the throat and forts palpitations, comes the period of the laugh, aboriginals finds delicious. After a use more or less drawn out of the drug, whose dose it must increasing and the 76 dose asks for to 5 centigrammas, the individuals are with ennegrecidos teeth, lose the appetite and sonno, have continue allucinaes and present, finally, accesses of acute craze. xxiv Is interesting that same before the specific laws that restrained the use of the cocaine, already existed resistance on the part of some sectors of the society. It is important to emphasize, that in the case of the periodical Republic of Florianpolis, was about the official agency of the hegemonic Republican Party, therefore, the opinions published in this periodic one reflected the interests of the ruling class. It is clearly, in the cited substance above, the intention to restrain the psychoactive substance use. The form as it was written of clearly the tone of the normatizador speech of the society.

For in such a way, if they use exageros and baseless information, mainly when it affirms that the use alcohol was the determinative factor for the disappearance of the North American indians and not them colonizadores that all the cost took lands to establish its communities. Beyond the cited characteristics already, still it has the fact of the substance to directly relate the use of alcohol and cocaine with blacks and indians. The proper tone of the words - the blacks of the states of the south if deliver to the cocainismo - reflects the intention well to emphasize that the people of the states of the south were not all, but the blacks. These opinions can today pass the reader of a negative reaction, taking in account the judgment of racial value in the tone of the speech, but it is important to remember that we are in reporting to the beginning of century XX, distant only fifteen years of the Golden Law.