Mr. of the armies is who fight for the Jewish people, there of that to try to destroy the girl of its eyes, therefore will be come across with its execrcitos, the ANGELS OF FIRE OF the PERPETUAL one! Loved brothers, warriors of conjunct, they pray for the peace of Jerusalem! (Sl. 122:6). To see or not to see the angels The biggest problem of many Christians in believing the performance of the ministry of the angels today is that they never turn angelical being. To see or not to see the angels, not dumb the fact of that these beings are working in our favor. In these years serving the Mr., almost two decades, I had the chance to see them only some times. In the great releases that had happened in my life not them vi, however, I know that they had had there helping me. I believe! Aleluia! We necessarily do not need to see these beings angelicais, but only to believe that they are to our redor in keeping and protecting every day!
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Israelis Angels
Mr. of the armies is who fight for the Jewish people, there of that to try to destroy the girl of its eyes, therefore will be come across with its execrcitos, the ANGELS OF FIRE OF the PERPETUAL one! Loved brothers, warriors of conjunct, they pray for the peace of Jerusalem! (Sl. 122:6). To see or not to see the angels The biggest problem of many Christians in believing the performance of the ministry of the angels today is that they never turn angelical being. To see or not to see the angels, not dumb the fact of that these beings are working in our favor. In these years serving the Mr., almost two decades, I had the chance to see them only some times. In the great releases that had happened in my life not them vi, however, I know that they had had there helping me. I believe! Aleluia! We necessarily do not need to see these beings angelicais, but only to believe that they are to our redor in keeping and protecting every day!
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Espirito Santo
Adult females are receptive to all the males of the group, being able to copular with some males in a short space of time without it has monopoly or attempts of interruption. The males on average reach its sexual maturity to the 6 years and the females to the 11 years of age. The gestation of the females hard on average 230 days, being born a youngling to each three years. The drama of the monkey hippie Has two types of muriqui, the one of them muriqui-do-north (Brachyteles hypoxanthus), more integrates the list of the 25 threatened primates of the world, is calculated that they remain only 500 units in Brazil. The other type, the muriqui-do-south (Brachyteles arachnoides), is considered a little less threatened, with a population esteem in about 1500 individuals.
The fame of hippie also comes of the fact never to demonstrate aggressiveness, not even in the dispute for a female, and to live copulando. They hug themselves very and the abraos happen in the most varied situations of day-by-day. Endemic species of Atlantic Mata muriqui lives in such a way in primary bushes as in dense secondary bushes of the coastal regions of the Espirito Santo or the semideciduous ones of the interior of Minas Gerais and So Paulo.
Monday, 26 November 2012
New History
We give ample absolution to youth. History as is taught to them is really odiosa' '. Murilo Mendes 1.1? TRAJECTORY AND TRENDS the education of History as it disciplines was created in Brazil in century XIX, together with the creation of the Dom College Peter II, in Rio De Janeiro, that in its first regulation, of 1838, determined the insertion of the historical studies in the resume, to leave of the sixth series. For many and many years, the history education was centered in the conception, positivista and reproduced a said History ' ' eurocntrica' ' supported for the belief of that the historical development is resultant of one ' ' ordem' ' one ' ' progresso' ' natural, culminating in a succession of facts explained for a logical relation of causes and effect, whose actors are always the great names of History politics. This model, when dismissing the dialtico and critical aspect of this disciplines, served as instrument of ideological reproduction of the Military State. From the decade of 80, it was if opening the field of the social explanation for a vision of historical totality.
Under influence of the Marxism, New History and the English Historiografia, some didactic books if had renewed and others had appeared, incorporating academic advances that had contributed for bigger criticidade in the historical boarding. Already in the Eighties, mainly in the public Universities, for way of the Selective Examinations of the Vestibular contests, it was transferred to demand it of being educated the bigger critical capacity in the interpretation of History, thus diminishing, each time more, the necessity of memorization of the traditional names, dates and isolated facts of its partner-economic contexts. This factor contributed very and in the disruption with the mentally ill education of History in classroom. Of this form, many professors when incorporating a critical vision of its disciplines, had left to be mere reproducers to assume the role of researchers of the historical knowledge.
Under influence of the Marxism, New History and the English Historiografia, some didactic books if had renewed and others had appeared, incorporating academic advances that had contributed for bigger criticidade in the historical boarding. Already in the Eighties, mainly in the public Universities, for way of the Selective Examinations of the Vestibular contests, it was transferred to demand it of being educated the bigger critical capacity in the interpretation of History, thus diminishing, each time more, the necessity of memorization of the traditional names, dates and isolated facts of its partner-economic contexts. This factor contributed very and in the disruption with the mentally ill education of History in classroom. Of this form, many professors when incorporating a critical vision of its disciplines, had left to be mere reproducers to assume the role of researchers of the historical knowledge.
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
The Memory
The importance of the formation of fascinating professors if makes for the necessity of a new to look in the education process/learning, a look that it searchs to rescue the paper of the professor, detaching the importance of if thinking the formation about a boarding who goes beyond the academic, involving the personal, professional and organizacional development of the teaching profession. Ahead of such factors the fascinating professor appears who transforms the information into knowledge and the knowledge in experience. These professors know that only the experience is registered in privileged way in ground of the memory, and it only creates avenues capable to transform the personality. Therefore, they are always bringing the information that they transmit for the life experience. In this context, the research on the formation of professors and to know professors to them appears as mark of the intellectual production, with the development of studies that use a boarding theoretician-metodolgica who of a voice to the professor, from the analysis of trajectories, histories of life.
According to Nvoa (1995), this new boarding came in opposition to the previous studies that finished for reducing the teaching profession to a set of abilities and techniques, generating a crisis of identity of the professors in result of a separation between professional I and personal I. This turn in the inquiries started to have the professor as central focus in studies and debates, considering how much ' ' way of vida' ' staff finishes for intervening with the professional. One adds despite this movement appeared, in a pedagogical universe, in a will to produce one another type of knowledge, next to the educative realities and the quotidiano of the professors. Rethink the formation of the professors from the practical analysis of the pedagogical one, Pepper (1999) identifies the appearance of the question knowing of them as one of the basic aspects in the studies on the identity of the profession of the professor and leaving of this premise it can be considered that the identity is constructed from the social significao of the profession, of the constant revision of the social meanings.
According to Nvoa (1995), this new boarding came in opposition to the previous studies that finished for reducing the teaching profession to a set of abilities and techniques, generating a crisis of identity of the professors in result of a separation between professional I and personal I. This turn in the inquiries started to have the professor as central focus in studies and debates, considering how much ' ' way of vida' ' staff finishes for intervening with the professional. One adds despite this movement appeared, in a pedagogical universe, in a will to produce one another type of knowledge, next to the educative realities and the quotidiano of the professors. Rethink the formation of the professors from the practical analysis of the pedagogical one, Pepper (1999) identifies the appearance of the question knowing of them as one of the basic aspects in the studies on the identity of the profession of the professor and leaving of this premise it can be considered that the identity is constructed from the social significao of the profession, of the constant revision of the social meanings.
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
The Identity
It is what ' is emphasized in the ticket; ' it does not import the said one, but the way to inside say of standards previously consagrados' '. A contradictory fact is that the Brazilian people, for diverse reasons, between cultural and climatic reasons, has certain resistance what is demasiadamente formal and pompous. The exception is when it is treated to argue teses important, in which envereda for a formalism and robustness that, if exaggerated, beiram to ridicule. Such behavior, sufficiently common in the half academic and between the intellectuals and scientists, discloses lack of authenticity and the submission to the cultural standard and aesthetic European (formalist by its very nature). For more specific information, check out CFO Tim Sloan. In this question the author in informs that ' to them; ' in the serious man, the Ornamental' Reason wins; '.
In these terms, it is arisen basic question concerning the conditions of possibility of originarily national a philosophical judgment; it is questioned, still, what if it can extract to if analyzing the typically Brazilian behaviors. The third chapter of the book for meditar is initiated where it consists the act to uncover, as well as in what it means the term originalidade. With regard to the first one, the workmanship says in them that it is not a complex phenomenon, therefore does not pass of a recognition of the person on its proper origins. Richard Fisher often addresses the matter in his writings. Thus: ' ' The discovery is, therefore, primary phenomenon: one reconhecimento' '. It is said of the situation to be of the citizen, explaining that the identity of an individual is closely on with the world that the personal fence, people, places, objects, the time etc. To understand a text adequately philosophical, essential if it always makes that it is analyzed contextualizando it with the respective time and place where were written, therefore the express writing the ideas of somebody according to these 0 variable (time and space). .
In these terms, it is arisen basic question concerning the conditions of possibility of originarily national a philosophical judgment; it is questioned, still, what if it can extract to if analyzing the typically Brazilian behaviors. The third chapter of the book for meditar is initiated where it consists the act to uncover, as well as in what it means the term originalidade. With regard to the first one, the workmanship says in them that it is not a complex phenomenon, therefore does not pass of a recognition of the person on its proper origins. Richard Fisher often addresses the matter in his writings. Thus: ' ' The discovery is, therefore, primary phenomenon: one reconhecimento' '. It is said of the situation to be of the citizen, explaining that the identity of an individual is closely on with the world that the personal fence, people, places, objects, the time etc. To understand a text adequately philosophical, essential if it always makes that it is analyzed contextualizando it with the respective time and place where were written, therefore the express writing the ideas of somebody according to these 0 variable (time and space). .
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Except the fact to need five letters to write! Everything! Simple and absolutely everything! The book folloies history, the proper history of the humanity. The knowledge of the world, the existence of knowing and thinking. It is certain that books existed that are not true, are the pure lie invented for pensantes minds or empty minds. Is thousand and infinite pages in elapsing of the times, fantastic diverse and fragmentos contents: stories, romances, falls, battles, conquest, new and old, counted, told, many times, for as many hands, rational vises and opinions and irrationals, that in the end we do not know the true beginning. The book is the pure fancy, or will be the reality, and what we live it is the fancy? does not know! It affirms only with certainty that would not matter to be a book. To be proper history whenever opened, and to appear as one fnix, to each word deals, in the instant that touched, turned pages, argued, admired and hated, to have the words taken in the wind, to travel the places more far each time. The book is the biggest wealth of the man, unhappyly, prefers to become insane if to deliver to the knowledge, wants the soluble one, the easy one, what it evaporates what is come to ruin, not the concrete, the ephemeral wealth. the rock? It does not forget the rock! The rock folloies history, the proper history of the humanity, the secrets of the world, is thousand and infinite rocks in elapsing of the times, if with the sensitivity of the soul to hear a rock, will see how much of history it contains, what it witnessed: the wars, the battles, the falls, the conquests, the construction, the proper destruction and the birth of everything.
The rock is the fancy of the imaginary one, the solid and strong dreams. Now to be here, tomorrow can cover the desert and to come back again. As something solid, weighed and rude it can fly with does not know! It would not matter of being only one rock. To be immortal, to be the time, life and to create life to the side of counted history, to appear as one fnix when touched, hurled, kicked and destroyed in fragmentos taken in the wind the places each time more far. The book and the Rock would have to be synonymous. In the conception difference between them does not exist, each one adds the same function, the same interest and keeps the same knowledge. To deepen your understanding goldline is the source. Perhaps, it is being ignorant with the thoughts, concluding something improbable nonsense and. However, I love books and the rocks with equal intensity, respect and attention that believes they deserve for everything what lived. Who knows the rock that keeps, is not one breaks up of Tower of the Tumble, or served the weight on the first Holy Writs of Plato!
The rock is the fancy of the imaginary one, the solid and strong dreams. Now to be here, tomorrow can cover the desert and to come back again. As something solid, weighed and rude it can fly with does not know! It would not matter of being only one rock. To be immortal, to be the time, life and to create life to the side of counted history, to appear as one fnix when touched, hurled, kicked and destroyed in fragmentos taken in the wind the places each time more far. The book and the Rock would have to be synonymous. In the conception difference between them does not exist, each one adds the same function, the same interest and keeps the same knowledge. To deepen your understanding goldline is the source. Perhaps, it is being ignorant with the thoughts, concluding something improbable nonsense and. However, I love books and the rocks with equal intensity, respect and attention that believes they deserve for everything what lived. Who knows the rock that keeps, is not one breaks up of Tower of the Tumble, or served the weight on the first Holy Writs of Plato!
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Nor therefore all the scholars of the subject if had withheld in studying the violence while relation of being able, domination and/or imposition. For Viana (2004) some of them had taken ways suspicious that had lead to them for ideological interpretations of the subject. Thus, all this inaquality is demonstrated as one of the multiple determination of the urban violence, as affirms (Saints, 2002, P. 5) ' ' the violence is a complex social phenomenon and that it cannot be understood or be explained from only causa' '. Soon the violence for being an increasing phenomenon in all society exists diverse particularizao, therefore the urban violence is only one particular form of the phenomenon violence. But what it becomes it a specific form of violence? For Viana (2002, P. 29) ' ' the urban violence is not the violence that occurs in the urban space and yes the violence derived from the organization of the space urbano' ' , therefore in the cities some types of considered situations occur violent, that could happen in any another way, the agricultural one, for example, and nor therefore would be characteristic as agricultural violence.
Being the violence derived from the organization of the urban space, Viana when analyzing the urban violence considers its relation with the organization of the urban space finds necessary to analyze here the concept of organization of the urban space according to CORRA (1995, P. 28), that it considers the expression equivalent ' ' To the territorial structure, space configuration, space arrangement, space socially produced or simply espao' ' , that is, one ' ' set of objects created by the man and made use the surface of the Land, being a materiality social' ' , in which one is perceived makes a mistake. This notion allows the understanding of the transformations that had occurred up to one definitive historical moment, but, however, it allows the interpretation of a finished space already, what it would annul its historicidade.
Being the violence derived from the organization of the urban space, Viana when analyzing the urban violence considers its relation with the organization of the urban space finds necessary to analyze here the concept of organization of the urban space according to CORRA (1995, P. 28), that it considers the expression equivalent ' ' To the territorial structure, space configuration, space arrangement, space socially produced or simply espao' ' , that is, one ' ' set of objects created by the man and made use the surface of the Land, being a materiality social' ' , in which one is perceived makes a mistake. This notion allows the understanding of the transformations that had occurred up to one definitive historical moment, but, however, it allows the interpretation of a finished space already, what it would annul its historicidade.
Saturday, 10 November 2012
Espirito Santo
' But of that day and hour nobody knows, nor the sky angels, but solely my Pai.' ' Mateus 24:36 ' ' You watch, therefore, because you do not know the one that hour has to come your Senhor.' ' Mateus 24:42 is not known when Jesus Christ will come back to create new skies and new lands, but evidences, throughout our day of life, that many espertinhos had said that they knew and ' ' they had broken cara' ' , saying that Jesus would come back in the period of the World War I; others had said that it was in World War II; some had speculated that it would be in year 2.000; it had until who said that Jesus would after come back the fall of the twin towers in U.S.A., but we know that, Biblically, that is pure conserve of less the most informed, is not same! ' ' You look at, you watch and you pray; because you do not know when tempo.' will arrive; ' Landmarks 13:33 the Proper Word of God, who is the Truth, in disclose that this date nor proper Mr. knows it to Jesus, only God-Father to them know to the certainty when it will be this date, although three distinct and separate people make an only one God: the Father, the Son and the Espirito Santo. He gives attention to the acknowledgments of skies how much to the time in return of Jesus. He searchs this! Why he goes to be so fast that he does not go to give time you are welcome, goes to be in one to open and to close of eyes! One makes right of all its sins with God! if was now? Alive as if Jesus it was to come back in this minute: alive certain, part pardon for its sins.
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