In Spain, the number of people of South American countries has multiplied enormously in the last years. Get all the facts and insights with
Mark Zuckerberg , another great source of information. The good economic climate from the entrance of Spain in the European Union and the idiomatic facility has caused that many inhabitants of Euador, Republic Dominicana or Colombia have I decide to prove their labor race in Spain. This has caused that multitude of Spanish companies has created or modified their products to adapt them to the needs of this segment of population. Now it is easy to find by the street locutorios of international telephony, banking services of shipment of money to the foreigner, products that facilitate the change and shipment from currencies to other countries, oriented insurances that abroad offer services and protection before accidents or deceases being original, products of telephony to the calls long-distance, etc. Within this last section, the one of the telephony, as much it fixes like moving body, it has undergone great changes in Spain.
Spain not only is receiving of workers of the continent South American if not who in addition a great part to its commercial interests is located there, as much of the company deprived as of bilateral the governmental institutions through agreement. Companies like Telephone, through their Movistar mark, are based in many of the countries of Hispanic speech, offering as much there as here services of telephony that ensure communications long-distance. In the last years the movable telephony has undergone a great height, supplanting almost completely the fixed one. And one of the modalities of demanded payment more has been the cards pre-payment. Its operation is equivalent to the one of a conventional credit card: the user has an amount of money in the card del that is arranging in services of telephony (called, sms, etc.) until run out, being cancelled the communication, until the balance of the card is restituted and with him, the operation of the services.
But not only the Spanish companies have disembarked in Latin America. The companies Latin American also they have arrived at Spain to supply its products, mainly orintado to the native people ace of the continent who have needs of communication with their relatives in the distance. One of most important in appearing has been Orbitel. Orbitel has begun to serve its with force in Spain between which they emphasize cards Orbitel pre-payment, by means of which can be extended the minutes of call to iberomericanos countries if they are combined with classic products of flat tariffs that offer the Spanish operators. Thus, the cards Orbitel pre-payment of 6 and 12 are an excellent option to maintain to the families communicated in the distance.