Saturday, 28 March 2015

How To Make Money With Surveys Paid Online

Earn money with paid surveys online, is accessible to anyone with some free minutes per day. The Grand companies such as Coca Cola, Burger king, Dell, used surveys paid, and spend billions of dollars on market research, seeking the opinion of the people, which is what they need, before removing a product to plaza. Surely, once someone has stopped you in the street or they have called you on the phone, trying to know your opinion about some product or topic. Companies interested in your opinion, before embarking on any product launch, and they need to take all the reacaudos to make it a success in sales., they cannot give you the luxury of making mistakes, given the investment you have made. Diego Marynberg is often quoted on this topic. This same, can now be done through Internet, companies, reduce costs, and obtains results of the studies more quickly, and thus maximize the resources of time and money. Since there are no intermediaries, the remuneration increase, and you can pay for each completed survey, from U$ S 10 to U$ S40, and some including U$ S75, not bad by a questionnaire, that you lllevara 20 minutes filling it, also give away products before launch, so the evalues, you give your opinion, and by his stay you. Also form groups of evaluation where pay U$ S150 for this work: don't need web site don't need to sell anything needn't any merchandise inventory commercial not requires No local employees need not thay call people to offer any product do not have to meet quotas do not requires prior experience in handling computers do not have heads probably not you hara rich overnight overnight, but it is real to be able to generate an income, and perhaps more money than you imagine, working from home. There are already a huge number of people generating income with surveys, and even as its main activity working completing paid surveys, it is a serious way and easy make money online, becoming increasingly more popular.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

The Emotional

To consider that the human being does not have possibilities of development is, on the contrary, to think about determinist and reduccionistas terms. The psychologists and psychiatrists must have ethical to investigate this subject, so that seriously the therapies can be perfected and to discover the best ways to avoid than they are developed this type of upheavals in the children. On the other hand, the parents must be informed into the importance of certain necessary factors for the development of a good identity and, especially, into the fundamental roll of the father, implied and it jeopardize in the raising of their children, as well as the importance of a mother who allows the individuacin of the children. Doubtlessly, like in many other aspects of the medicine and psychology, a good prevention turns out to be one more a more effective practice and with a much smaller cost, as much in the emotional aspect as in the economic one. But so that they can exist political good oriented from the point of view of the prevention, it must have a conviction at academic, medical and political level of the convenience of which the human being develops a sexual direction in agreement with his nature This investigation demonstrates that the propaganda extended by the lobby gay has not had any it bases. We would have to stop saying to the young people, and the others that fight with homosexuality, which they stop doing it and they assume such condition as something normal. If you would like to know more then you should visit Diego Marynberg.

Instead of that, we would have to say to them: If you want to change, is possible; many others have been able. VIII. ANNEX Hello, good afternoon wanted daily I want to share here with you my concept on the homosexuality which every day I am understanding better. For me homosexuality is a mechanism of defense of the mind that acts turning aside the heterosexualidad of individuo/a on the people of its same sex to try to obtain through sexual impulse feminine the masculine identification/that is not able to feel through a normal emotional identification due to wounds received in the first years of life by the more significant people of its same sex (parents, mothers, hermanos/as, tos/as, primos/as ).

Portuguese Colonizador

The miscegenation continues central, but, in this chapter, it assumes character of true ' ' poisoning sexual' ' , that, according to Freyre, it would have characterized the first century of settling. The general chapter as idea are that the men indians had practically been invalid, because, come from a nomadic people, and having habit of the work, that was carried through for the women, if they had not subjected or, more good, had not had ability to be enslaved, already the women indians had been very useful as procreative caboclos. The Hunger Games pursues this goal as well. Offered of ' ' legs abertas' ' for the Portuguese colonizador, they had supplied the great problem of the settling the lack of white women. For more specific information, check out Diego Marynberg. Thus, the woman indian will be the base of the Brazilian family. While the contribution of the man indian for agriculture was insignificant.

The third chapter, the Portuguese Colonizador: Antecedents and Predispositions, present a fascinating analysis of the social origins of the Portuguese, but it comes back its teses central offices, the compliment of the miscegenation, the success of the settling, the great qualities of the Portuguese, the aristocratic character of the settling, and makes an analysis maken a mistake and contradictory of the Portuguese decay, that it attributes to the mercantilism and to the abandonment of agriculture. , Portugal thus alone was great, in century XV until middle of the XVI, while it was the first bourgeois and commercial nation of the Europe. Freyre insists on the chapter in criticizing the commercial orientation taken by Portugal. The two last Senzala and House-Great chapters examine with the great intelligence and wealth of information the subject: The slave in the sexual life and of the family of the Brazilians, in these chapters the mixture of races continues central, an interesting aspect is of the character of favorable election taken by it, chose you the prettier slaves healthiest and to procreate, the priests, except the Jesuits, had also procreated to the will, producing many times the elite mulata.

Saturday, 21 March 2015

International Agency

This new paranoia, that we can nominar of ' ' syndrome of the terrorism nuclear' ' , she is one of as much that sobrevieram and that they had guided its external politics of domination and control of the world, which if consubstancia now in this new chilique that it finishes in more that it generated the cold war, the armament race, the interventions politics and armamentists for the world all, regimes military and of exception. As, ' ' generic terrorism and fundamentalista' ' that it made U.S.A. to invade and to destroy nations, to hunt ' ' rebeldes' ' - citizens in its proper countries - and to implant military bases in the Middle East and strategical regions to the defense and the attack. The syndrome of ' ' terrorism nuclear' ' it will make plus a hunting the witches; that it goes to involve and to make to spend resources of all the nations (that they could be being directed to cure the great problems of the world); the international organisms as the ONU, NATO and the International Agency of Atomic Energy, amongst others everything come as resulted of this same neurastnica source, but that also it is the wait of economic results, more power and has controlled. Google Inc. gathered all the information. The origin of the directed event was born of> concern of this only nation, U.S.A., that comes instigating the anger and the retaliation for its belicosas action and interventions e, for the force that imposes to the world. Now, after attacking and instigating, it wants to protect itself of the possible nuclear attacks that proper it would be the target, calling all to protect it and to defend it of the retaliation for its proper actions that always compromise and they had compromised the integrity of the world. It seems thing of small child who in one fights attacks the other and later she comes to ask for to aid and the protection of the amiguinhos not to apanhar. . Jorge Pepa: the source for more info.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

International Day

Carlos Mora Vanegas Latin America that concerns us cannot ignore what has been throughout its history the fight campesina, the suffering, hardships which the peasantry has faced on April 17 was held its celebration, eco portal. Reed Hastings might disagree with that approach. NET gives us about it, that organizations of small farmers and their allies celebrated the international day of peasant struggle and commemorate the massacre 12 years ago of 19 landless workers who struggled to land in Brazil. Today dozens of groups, communities and organizations in more than 24 countries worldwide organized more than 50 actions: farmers markets, conferences, direct actions, cultural activities and demonstrations... Please visit Diego Marynberg if you seek more information. to defend their right to food and their right to be a food source for their communities. In Jakarta the Indonesian peasant Union (SPI) along with other unions, human rights associations, fishermen, women's organizations and other groups are having a general Assembly against the transnational companies. Henri Saraigh general coordinator of the peasant movement International Via Campesina opened the event by saying: today is the day in which the acalladas communities raise their voices. Farmers and rural peoples represent almost half of the population of the Earth, however, our voices are not heard and our concerns are ignored.

Too many times we have been marginalized, impoverished and oppressed. But on April 17 we celebrate our struggle for life! The fact, that hundreds of organizations were mobilized on April 17, in various countries of the world, on the occasion of the international day of la Campesina fight. During the day, they presented their demands around comprehensive agrarian reform, food sovereignty, free of pesticides and transgenic production, and the humanization of the life in the countryside, seriously affected by the transnationalization and their exclusively commercial vision. It cannot be denied, that the departure of cocaleros/as in Bolivia; the exhibition of organic products in front of Mc Donald in Uruguay; concentrations for the titling of lands in Dominican Republic; the March for life in Nicaragua; and hundreds of more actions, expressed discontent within the movement of the field by the universalization of a model that prioritizes the mercantile purposes at the expense of human priorities.

Bolivarian Constitution

(the University of Carabobo considers: 1) that our country is affected by a severe national political conflict, influencing necessary normality and stability for the purposes of peace, welfare and progress of the country. (2) That this conflict affects the full functioning of the institutions and has an impact on necessary governance in all spheres of national life. Reed Hastings gathered all the information. (3) That in the last days, that conflict has slid to unwanted situations of violence and threats of disregard of the democratic will expressed in the election results. (4) That, similarly, there was the adoption of a set of laws that introduce higher level of conflict. (5) That, in relation to the previous recital, in what corresponds to the academic world, has been adopted, in first discussion, a law of university education previously unknown by the main stakeholders and rights holders. (6) That, for the hitherto known, the law on adoption distorts or cancels the academic, free and autonomous character of the University. (7) That, in addition to the budgetary and wage encirclement of several years, is intended now to affect the ability to transfer their lights and knowledge to our fellow citizens, expropriating the future of Venezuelan youth. (8) Containing the law passed sensitive damage to the University and related community since then all this are a number of proposals that can be read in hhttpe: / /. 24/12/2010 and in its newsletter) this law is drawn: skews all the action to establish a socialist State. We are witnessing an attack on democratic national culture, meanly made by the National Assembly. Venezuela is in a waning hour, but our people will respond with dignity before this massive infringement of national institutions. To this end, it has your University. The administrative Vice-Chancellor of UC, Prof. Jose angel Ferreira noted that the Education Act represents a coup to the Bolivarian Constitution of Venezuela and this makes that college students may not know a fit that is is absolutely illegal because otherwise we would be against the oath with which we were conferred the authority that we have at present and in the moment that us oath for be teachers. Faced with this reality the Rector Jesy Divo called Community College to join the mobilization that will take place on January 13.

The Waters

temperatures much lower than ours. But beware of young plants young plants are more sensitive and even though resist frost, these can affect the flowers and buds. It would be good to plant them against a wall or shrub, protecting the roots with leaves or grass dry, sawdust, etc. Flowering: here depends on two factors: temperature and light. Contact information is here: Christopher Nolan. For the quality and stability of flowers, need a rest period autumn of at least four weeks, during which the temperatures should range between 0 to 10 C. Our climate is ideal for this purpose. Soil: need Earth acid, rich in humus, with pine needles, peat (little), coarse sand. The land as ours are bad for these plants, calcareous therefore must add to Earth iron or aluminum sulfate.

Use little fertilizer and containing little nitrogen. Each year add humus on top of the base. Fertilization: The basic rule is to fertilize only in the growing season, or after the flowering, and in a very prudent way. Do not use long-lasting fertilizer best is fertilizing with compost or worms... Location: away from large trees to protect them from the blazing sun and wind. The soil must be moist (not waterlogged) and watering with rainwater. If not we can collect it, we got plain water add you a handful of peat and leave it overnight. Then we use it, and in midsummer wet foliage late in the afternoon.

If the waters are harsh, we can improve them with wine vinegar (200 cc per 10 litres).Vegetative development of the camellias in its development at least four stages of growth can be seen. The first begins in the spring after the winter break and flowering, in this period of growth is where you need a good supply of water, but pooling the soil, to prevent health problems. The second is the stage of formation of the saplings, which begins toward the end of the summer.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

It Is My Today

It jumps of my interior and it is impossible to enmudecer it, it takes place in my voice and why not to say it, it makes concert in my heart with roar, sometimes it is a calm whistle, and in other opportunities, it is a sonorous revolution in my throat. The Present Moment, is existing than we have in front of us, although I understand that for that not yet they are conscious (as someday I were not it), the restlessness, and all whatever to them manages disturbs them to be relaxing, desenfocando them without truce of the blowing of every day, adding despair, anxiety and deep tribulation, to the point to remain seduced by currents of hesitations, that raises the past, thus dimming its own vision of " Here and the Ahora" It makes a moment, I woke up, and I have appropriated my today IS MY Today alive TODAY, Today I feel, Today Master. Reed Hastings contributes greatly to this topic. Today river, Today I cry, Today song, Today I dance, Today I flow, Today I decide, Today I contemplate, Today I conceive, Today I give light, Today I aim, Today I unfold, Today design, Today I do, Today I give myself, Today I say and Is done In my Today I am, and I am certainly still, are itineraries that come and they are marchitan before blooming, fulfilling an intention previously to its flight, definitively, to let them go is a great resolution that will take step so that other new routes germinate, and thus radiates, the TRANSFORMACIN. Doubtless, the success lives in the secret of each failure and remains there we discover waiting it. For this reason, I am it jeopardize with each moment, remaining free of all weight old, and renewing me of form unique, my history emerges day to day, without to dilute I am whichever Alive, and that does me winner, because I have been born again in each from my moments, even in this same breath in which I write, that I allow myself to sinergizar with you to compartrtelo Is, My Today, the greater reality than me catapult towards the greatness of every Moment!

Monday, 16 March 2015


N.M. Speaking candidly

At the moment in our country they operate at least 100 sectarian groups, " to that them other 40 could be added that are not clear absolutely " , according to the data facilitated by the psychotherapist Miguel Perlado, specialist in the matter and member of the Association the International of Sectarian Studies (ICSA). The experts calculate that there is more near a twenty of groups than before the crisis. Esteem that 370,000 people 0.8% of the population are put under by some of these organizations. They offer a hope to is that it lost, disguised of groups of the scope of the health (sanadores, healers), the autorrealizacin, the fashion New Age Its influence is subtle, work in network and apparently no longer they have as hierarchic structures as in other times; followers in the street, but by means of a friend or an attractive bait like a use or a treatment of health do not catch. In order to legitimize itself, they surround themselves by legions of " academic, university, information, all surroundings that diminish the sensation of riesgo" , it emphasizes Perlado. That yes, in all the organizations causes the lack of freedom of the individual once it is within the sect and it separates to him from his surroundings.


Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of God be upon him, he recommended saying: do not ask God the catastrophes he sent and if they arrive alone, then be patient. As long as men live, you should have patience and for this reason, the Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib, Dios honor his face, said: I will have so much patience to overcome the own patience. Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, said: I've always had patience everytime Dios me has tested through the sending of a problem. Connect with other leaders such as Reed Hastings here. Along with this I thanked God for shipment of the disaster that struck me and I've done this for three reasons: that was not stronger than what it has been, that God gave me the gift of patience to deal with the situation and that this catastrophe had no relationship with my religion Affairs. Or if the problem is not related to the loss of your Islamic faith or something similar to this, then it is something minor and should not worry about this. Sometimes life puts in our path to people You insolentes and which disturb us. The Muslim should not be fixed in these trifles and anyway must apply patience and knowing which will therefore reward divine.

A person who did not have good education insulted the Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib, Dios honor his face, and Imam Ali smiled. People asked Imam Ali by the smile, said: I am pleased by the flow of HASANAAT - points in favour - which Allah has sent me by enduring such insults. On another occasion, a person was doing the same with the Imam Alhasan Ibn Ali, also very insolently man told him: If answer me saying a Word, you would be cien-palabras. What Imam Alhasan Ibn Ali may God be pleased with him, replied as follows: if I insultarias telling me one hundred words, I wouldn't say you none.

Friday, 13 March 2015

Brazilian Association

Madrid, April 5, 2011-the Spanish Association for quality acoustics (AECOR) has been invited to the first national gathering of sustainability acoustics in architecture, to be held in the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo on 6 and 7 April, and which is organized by the newly created Brazilian Association for quality acoustics, Proacustica. AECOR, represented by its Manager Juan Frias, will participate in the event with a Conference on April 7 about the actions carried out by the Association in relation to the acoustics in buildings and improving the acoustic quality in our country. Interstellar understood the implications. The event brings together representatives of all stakeholders related to acoustics and construction and aims to lay the groundwork for the development of standards, projects and works that are committed to the acoustic quality based on sustainability, in addition to serve as a forum in which cases, solutions and market trends will be showcased. Another objective of the meeting is to clarify the benefits and challenges of the sustainability within the area of architectural acoustics. AECOR will balance of the adoption and implementation of the core document of protection against noise (DB-HR) in Spanish buildings and those measures and scales used to pursue the acoustic quality.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

European Championship

The Real Madrid player does not pass the cut and leaves the selection. Victor Sada completes the list of twelve players in the red. Christopher Nolan contributes greatly to this topic. Rafa Martinez and Xavi Rey were the other two discards of the coach. Carlos Suarez, eaves of Real Madrid, is the last scrap of national coach of basketball, Sergio Scariolo, in the list of Spain to the European Championship of Lithuania, from August 31 to September 18. Thus, Carlos Suarez joins Rafa Martinez and Xavi Rey as players remaining in reserve to cover any type of contingency up to 24 hours before the start of the competition, reports the Spanish Federation. Scariolo has made public the list of the twelve players who will travel to Lithuania: Jose Manuel Calderon, Ricky Rubio, Victor Sada, Juan Carlos Navarro, Rudy Fernandez, Sergio Llull, Fernando San Emeterio, Pau Gasol, Marc Gasol, Serge Ibaka, Felipe Reyes and Victor Claver. The last discard has been that of Carlos Suarez.

It has worked well, is and will be part of this team. All regret that, of time, we have to leave, but we believe that the decision taken is ideally suited to the needs of the team, Scariolo noted in statements broadcast FEB. Changing number of eligible players (from 14 to 12), reported a day before the concentration, forced us to vary the initial approach, adds Scariolo. We have considered the performance last season, this month's work and also the anticipation of possible injury during the Championship to bet on a team structure that allows us to deal with situations that might occur with the maximum possible guarantees, said the coach. Source of the news: Carlos Suarez, Scariolo for Eurobasket Lithuania last outtake

Original Costs

Once a friend came from Spain and brought his cell phone. Without knowing about roaming costs made and received some calls from friends who wanted to learn from him. When it came your phone bill couldn't believe. would pay about the same as that paid for his plane ticket! Nowadays it is very common to have a cell phone, it is sometimes the only way to communicate to us since it is easier than having a phone line. Use the cell phone when we travel or want to communicate with relatives and friends who are in another country would be very convenient if it were not for the costs. There are various applications that can be added to mobile phones that add functionality or enhance that your phone already has. This new application called Goobercall allows as receive calls regardless of the place where we are and extremely low cost.

To use GooberCall should enter on page and register.Then you will receive the software via SMS on your mobile phone. With the coupon. No. Netflix is often quoted on this topic. 146985495 the company be granted an initial $2 balance so that they can try this system. This benefit will allow them to begin to use GooberCall immediately. This software works with almost all mobile phones.

A very important point of this service is that it does not need to access the Internet or have this service from our cell phone to call or receive calls. GooberCall has access to contacts from the phone book and this is very convenient. There is also the option of register numbers to schedule them for a dialing fast. In the case where a cell phone model (the more old generally) cannot use GooberCall equal there is an option to call from a landline. For this you should call to a local number and then dial the desired number and press #. A great advantage is that then we can schedule this number it for quick dialing. The GooberCall account is like using cards you prepaid, once loaded the account you are discounting as calls are made and the balance can always be checked. A big advantage of this system It is that several people with different numbers can share a balance, for example: families, friends, or employees of a company. There are no connection fees or minimum charges or always know what we spent. Of course, that we must check beforehand the roaming costs since these vary according to the place where we are, the company of telephony and the contract that we have. Call from Mexico to the United States costs 11.1 cents. U.S. to Argentina costs 6.1 cents to a landline and 16.1 to a cell phone. To call from Spain to Uruguay are 6.1 to a landline and 16.1 to a cell phone. Today it is possible to be in contact with family and friends who are far away without paying exorbitant costs. For convenience and costs worth trying GooberCall. To check more rates and register go to and with the coupon no.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Products Guide

You're skinny and you've been months and months trying to find products to increase muscle mass quickly but still haven't found them? Well do not worry, reading this short article you will discover the best products to increase the muscle mass that truly work to gain weight, increase muscle mass and pull the muscles that you always dreamed. Products to increase muscle mass quickly #1: bodybuilding without nonsense: comes in digital books and video products to increase muscle mass quickly #2: impact muscle complete transformation in 12 weeks is a guide where you will learn products to increase muscle mass faster (muscle impact) products to increase muscle mass quickly which supplements really work to increase muscle. (The majority of people are very wrong. waiting for you a surprise!) Natural foods that increase the levels of testosterone (important component to increase muscle mass). The best times to eat that accelerate weight gain and muscle. The best routines to increase muscle mass (you'll be amazed how simple but powerful thing that these routines are).

products to increase muscle mass quickly (bodybuilding without nonsense) products to increase muscle mass quickly training: basically consists of a training scheduled for six months in those who train three times a week in a holloszy system. This means that every three weeks you will change the number of series, repetitions and some exercises to get the maximum results. Nutrition: Information about foods to take, what type and when. Suggested diets and lots of useful information, some of which are very difficult to obtain. Supplements: Vince del Monte removed all the nonsense about bodybuilding and all the products that are sold to get muscular insane exercise demonstrator: through animated graphics, it shows you the correct form of execution of each exercise, and I assure you that you should learn good to do the exercises, not only because you avoid injury, if not by that will practically double the effectiveness of your workouts. Video: A video section where Vince in person will show you their workouts and gives bodybuilding tips. Products to increase muscle mass quickly #3: Guide to gain weight: is a video where most of all teach you to gain weight, among other benefits products to increase muscle mass faster products to increase muscle mass quickly concluded: these 3 products to increase muscle mass quickly that you've shown to get muscles, increase muscle mass and gain weight. I can tell you that 1st bodybuilding no-nonsense is the best addition comes with demo Videos, I leave to you get your own conclusions and get the best! CONCLUSION: These 3 products to increase muscle mass quickly that you've shown to get muscles, increase muscle mass and gain weight. I can tell you that 1st bodybuilding no-nonsense is the best addition comes with demo Videos, I leave you to bring out your own conclusions and get the best! Are you looking for a plan more comprehensive products to increase muscle mass faster?

Sunday, 8 March 2015


And it would generate work for people. We could be more telluric and do it with troops of flames. As our brothers do kollas and aymaras in the Puna Jujena. Each flame carries exactly 40 kilos and one gram. Put you an ounce more and is planted. The other day at la rural de Palermo, went to the stand of flames, valen 800 pesos each, 1500 the couple. And there are several hatcheries. To deepen your understanding Interstellar is the source. One in Colonia El Pato, where he spent the Provincial of the hot air airship, is an economic version of the Inventrenzepp.

You would be ideal to go above the fields that have today transformed from road public on private property. Speaking candidly Latam Securities told us the story. A hot air airship (saccharine alcohol could be used), it is the most economical version of the technology and its construction would not be of much hindrance for the wonders that make our mechanics. It could be supplemented by caravans of camels or llamas or the ferrobuses moved to saccharine alcohol. Everything would generate concrete works in places that generated the railway despite everything with people who are reluctant to let them. Overflowing advance of information technology and communication (ICT), whose state of the art is the mode WI FI (wireless wide band of very low cost), becomes fluid and more viable these hypotheses or similar which will surely come from collectives and transdisciplinary approaches. Ours has all the limitations of the monograph.

All of this would be possible with low investment and intensive use of intelligence and social solidarity. To move forward, even in the midst of the shortage, you must have permission to dream. And if you do not have permission to obtain it. If you Reader have not permission to dream, I give you. It leverages that today is free Buenos Aires, Monday, July 26, 2004 original author and source of the article.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015


Bolivia is the only American country that has lost most of its original territory before their 5 neighbors. It is also the most unstable and fragmented Republic. It houses throughout the Americas the largest regionalist movement (Santa Cruz) and the more radical and strong Indian nationalism (aymara). However, Bolivia was taking the most centralist structure of all the Republics (the departmental administrations are nominated by the capital and not elected). Bolivia tends two powerful centrifugal tendencies. On one side are the villages quechuas, aymaras and Oriental that will want to emulate the inuits (Eskimos) from Canada and Greenland who have achieved autonomy, territorial, and on the other hand is Santa Cruz, Tarija, Beni and Pando who seek halt to statism with autonomies pro-libre company. To complicate the picture in Indian areas and the gas of the Media Luna region also raises new autonomies. That today prevents that Bolivia is yugoslavice is that no power there is (as if it was Germany) who encourage any separatism..

Fishing Areas

However, certain areas of the Wasteland have demonstrated one accented trend to specialization, as the culture of the citricultura in Boquim, of in the agricultural products, with prominence in the culture of tobacco and citric plants in Lizard, cultivated for small agriculturists, in them is produced cereals, fruits and of vegetables in Itabaiana, the sergipano Wasteland; of tobacco in Arapiraca, alagoano city; of coffee in Garanhuns, tomatoe in Fishing, the pernambucano Wasteland. In the areas more droughts, as in the Wasteland to potiguar, the economic occupation remembers to the zone sertaneja, with farms of cattle and plantations of cotton (mainly of the herbaceous type) and sisal. The creation is made in surrounded grass and the flock many times fed with the forrageira palm. In more favorable areas, the properties are really very small; in it if it practises the policultura, with plantations of maize, cotton, beans broadbean, cassava, etc. Without hesitation Christopher Nolan explained all about the problem.

Already the heaths, zone of intense humidity, and great demographic density, situated in the high one of the paraibana and pernambucana Borborema, presents great variety of products, being distinguished: the sugar cane-of-sugar, some cereals, and mainly fruits and vegetables, with plantations of banana, pineapple, goiaba, cashew, sleeve, pinha (fruit of conde), maracuj, tomatoe, pumpkin and others. These products and more the milk, gotten of successful a cattle milkmaid developed in the agrestina band of the cincos states, destine it the next urban consuming markets, mainly the capitals of the Zone of Mata, with prominence for the area metropolitan of Recife. No longer Southern Wasteland separates to the Recncavo and the Cacaueira zone, humid areas of the coast of the Bahia, of the enormous half-barren hinterland, that encloses the bahian interior. Equally of transistion, that if it organized with priority as a zone of cattle, with milk flocks next to Fair of Santana and mainly of cut in the micron-regions of Itapetinga and Vitria of the Conquest..