Monday 31 March 2014


Faith in the Character of DeusCrianas Knapsacks of God? He rests that I take I Joo 5 - 1 to 5Salmo 19? 7 10.Salmo 119? 15 and 16. The Evangelho light Is loved, the text that I read says that it is not weighed to serve the God. Only that I observe a tired bit of people to serve the Deus.Perguntas you to think: The orders are weighed you? The Evangelho is weighed? The religious load is very weighed. Perhaps what it happens is that you? how sheep? it is eating capim dry. Many say that the Evangelho is weighed, but are because it comes bringing I obtain packs of men.

I was born at a time where the sanctity was verified for the size of the sideburn, size of the skirt, opening of the coat, was as soon as became the measures of sanctity. That is sanctity or weight of the Evangelho? I oppose to live a Evangelho of bitterness. I am happy because alive Cristo.Versculo 2? It practises it of the orders must be in love, if it weighs is not amorVou to make a question and I want that it answers for you yourselves. You read the Bible you are a pleasure or obligation religious? The 5 phases of the Cristo1.Fase? Discovery. New converted, it sees everything with the eyes of amor.2.Fase? Joy? Fold pra everybody, evangeliza to that passes for it.

In the sound of the car alone touches hymn, adhesive carro.3.Fase? Realism? It is not as I thought, this brother is thus, someone is baked. Its eyes start to see the error of the others, brothers or no.4.Fase? Room? Already I know 10 versicles, is good. Already I know sufficiently, I do not have necessity to study the Bblia.5.Fase? Obligation - I go, but dragged the feet. This already if dragging, segua Christ, as who takes one weight in the coasts, a pack weighed, as if he did not have greater weight in the world.

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