Monday 23 February 2015

Pure Nature

To enjoy our holiday in Mendoza, we are opting for natural environments, all perfect for the practice of extreme sports or with high levels of demand in terms of physical dexterity. The mountain and the River combine magnificamente to offer us the most challenging scenarios and extraordinary. The kayak is a browsing activity that lies in using a boat designed only for one person, called kayak descending water down in the mountain rivers. To navigate, it is necessary to keep the kayak in balance, avoiding rocks and performing maneuvers to circumvent the gaps formed by the erosion of the River in the stones. Unlike rafting, river kayaking is a discipline that requires some prior knowledge of the River in which it will sail.

In the region of Cuyo, is possible to practice kayak in the River Atuel San Rafael, in the Tunuyan River, in Valle de Uco, in the rio Grande, in Malargue and, of course, in the Mendoza River. To learn this fascinating sport, we must take classes or do a course with responsible and experienced instructors. They may teach us the basic techniques of rowing and maneuverability, such as security measures needed to address any adverse situation. It is important to know the tactics for handling the kayak in the proper. Why the crew of each boat just starting are accompanied by instructors throughout the journey.

The existence of numerous lakes in the province of Mendoza makes possible the practice of the kayak on cross. Although it is similar to river kayaking, which is used in water mirrors is longer, and the calm waters of the dam allow the occupant to enjoy beautiful landscapes in the stillness of nature. Mendoza, you can practice this sport in incredible places located to the South, such as Los Reyunos, El Nihuil and Valle Grande, among others. Close to the city of Mendoza, the Potrerillos dam offers its beauty to kayaking in cross, only 60 km away from the Centre of the capital city. Cuyo rivers invite us to know them and enjoy the unique experience they have to give us. The descent by kayak by a course of mountain water is, without a doubt a leap in quality in our vacation in Mendoza.

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