2. Identify the relevant aspects that enable a company to choose the most appropriate standard according to your needs. 3 Show the different tools that currently exist to measure CSR. Let's start. What is a sustainability report? It is a voluntary preparation document whose objective is to inform public financial, environmental, economic performance of a company of any size or sector. In a sense, the main features of a sustainability report are: * is a strategic document: helps to measure and analyze a company's performance and facilitates continuous improvement strategies, allows to establish if the company meets the expectations of its stakeholders (stakeholders). Likewise, facilitates the transparency, credibility and benefits the image of the company to the public in general.
** Is a document that can be compared: there are methodologies and international standards that allow you to standardize the performance of a company in a balanced and objective manner. ** Is a standing communication tool: this type of reporting has evinciado being a highly effective way to build links with lobbyists in the form continuous and effective. Do know if you are ready to develop and maintain a sustainability report? To know if it is the right time to make a report of sustainability, it is necessary the company please answer the following questions: * does the company intend to establish a direct communication with its stakeholders (stakeholders)? * Environmental and social strategies are developing beyond the norm? * The company is prepared to be debated on issues of sustainability with stakeholders? * Does the company continuous improvement processes that enable them to show the positive evolution of its indicators in time? * Do you have the economic, human and technological resources to generate, document, store and analyse information from the report of sustainability within the required quality parameters? If the answer to all questions without excepecion is if, then, the company may proceed to select the methodology more in line with your needs.
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