Summary of chapter 6 of the workmanship: SAINTS, Milton; SILVEIRA, Laura Maria. Brazil: territory and society at the beginning of century XXI. Rio
De Janeiro: Record, 2008. 143 PP a165. ' ' The current circles of cooperation, consequence of the space circuits of produo.' ' In the boarding of this subject, the authors leave of a more dynamic vision how much to the functioning of the territory, they in this way judge necessary a boarding that considers the space circuits of the production, therefore if he will be able to observe as the flows of good and products in the territory occur. The regional relations between exchanges and cooperaes are intense, and for times, the production demands nor always are for taking care of to the neighboring cities, and therefore, Santos and Silveira, approaching the necessity to substitute the notion of space circuits of the production. A place establishes bows of solidarity between the new demands and with the inherited demands. It is through the space circuits of production and circles of cooperation that if can perceive the different uses of the territory. For the cooperation it is possible to observe the workmanships that are carried through binding or taking care of great extensions of the territory, such as: railroads, highways, drainings etc.
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