Wednesday 26 June 2013

The Qi

The classification and the generation of the QiSe certain qualitative terms used to differentiate the Qi in the human body according to their origin, function and distribution.These terms are: primary Qi (Qi Yuan), pectoral Qi (Qi Zong), nutritive Qi (Qi Ying) and defensive Qi (Qi Wei).In relation to its origin can be classified into Qi congenital and acquired Qi. The Qi primary is derived from the inherited and congenital essence of parents, by what is known as congenital Qi.After birth, the Qi pectoral, nutrient, and defensive derive all of the refined essence of food, by what are known as the acquired Qi. Congenital and acquired Qi are dependent of each other for their production and supply.The primary Qi stimulates and promotes the functional activity of Zang-Fu organs and tissues partners, which in turn produce the acquired Qi.Therefore the primary Qi is the base material for the production of the acquired Qi.On the other hand, the Qi acquired continuously feeds and complements the congenital Qi.Therefore there is a relationship of interdependence between the two: congenital Qi promotes to the acquired, and this in turn nourishes the congenital qi.The Qi can also be described as functional activity of Zang-Fu organs and meridians.It is then when we refer to it, for example, as the Qi of the heart, liver, Lung, spleen, stomach, kidney and in different meridians. Qi (Qi Yuan) primary: The primary Qi, which is derived from the congenital essence, must be fed, nourished, and supplemented by the Qi obtained after birth from the essence of food and water.The primary Qi sits in the kidney and extends to the whole body through the triple heater (San Jiao).The primary Qi stimulates and promotes the functional activity of Zang-Fu organs and associated tissues.The most abundant is the primary Qi, more vigorous will be the Zang-Fu organs and better operation of the associated tissues.The human body is mostly healthy and rare time suffer disorders or diseases.On the other hand, a congenital insufficiency of primary Qi can give rise to various pathological alterations.

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