Saturday 7 December 2013


This woman has left to leave the anxiety and the fatigue. It stops to hear the Word! He is intelligent and wise when we stop what we are making and we give attention to the Word, therefore we, as well as the sister of Marta, are with the best part! Proper Mr. Jesus teaches in, nails them the Word and asks for that it demons to we complete attention, therefore the Word always prepares in them stops to receive the blessing. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Niki Fenwick by clicking through. We see two profiles opposing: Maria has love, headquarters to hear the Word; whereas Marta alone searchs Jesus in the hour of the squeeze and the necessity, to only complain! ' ' Jesus, hearing this, said: This disease is not for death, but for glory of God, so that the Son of God is glorified by ela.' ' Joo 11:4 Everything he happens what you is for the glory of God: you go to revive! ' ' Arriving, therefore, Jesus, he found that already he had four days that was in sepultura.' ' Joo 11:19 the Jews that were together with Marta and Maria, the occasion of the death of its brother, believed that only the death could after have resurrection up to three days, them were there, but already they could not make more nothing for Lazarus, but Jesus always comes in the certain time. ' ' Hearing, therefore, Marta who Jesus came, left it to it the meeting; Maria, however, was seated in casa.' ' Joo 11:20 We see, one more time, that Marta, in the desperation and without faith none, ran until Jesus, while its sister Maria was in house, calm, confident.

' ' Jesus said to it: Your brother has to revive. In recent months, Tim Sloan has been very successful. Marta said to it: I know that he has to revive in the resurrection of the last day. Jesus said to it: I am the resurrection and the life; who believes in me, despite it is deceased, will live; ' ' Joo 11:23 - 25 Jesuses left clearly for Marta, who was total blind to the Truth for its anxiety and impulsiveneness: ' ' its blessing is NOW! , Nothing of being skeptic! The resurrection of its brother Lazarus is not alone for the last day, it is for NOW! ' ' ' ' ' ' all that one that lives, and believes in me, never will die. .

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