Sunday 15 December 2013

Joo Landmarks

The greater and more modern plant hydroelectric plant of the country were constructed in the city of Pira, in the State of Rio De Janeiro. Its construction if initiated in 1905 and three years later it was ece of fish in operation. The first stage of the plant of Sources was concluded in January of 1907 and the produced energy was employee, to partir of March, in the public and residential illumination of Rio De Janeiro and in the traction of trams. To feed this plant the River was used Brook of the Flagstone, that cut Is Joo Landmarks, for which would be possible flooding of the city, so that it could full its barrages. Already in 1907, the Light received authorization from the federal government to deviate the course of the River Pira (one of the contributors of the River Paraba of the South), increasing, thus, the affluence to the Flagstone reservoir. In this exactly year is signed the contract between ' ' Rio De Janeiro Tramway, Light and Power Co.

Ltd and city hall of Rio De Janeiro for its services of energy and transport and were ' ' stipulated one table of prices, that decreased to the measure that the consumption platform went up, but the payment would have to be made half in gold, half in paper-moeda' '. In April of 1908, a thousand kw and 24 the instalada power reached 12 a thousand kw in June of 1909. The water storage of the Brook of the Lages initially was obtained with the construction of a concrete barrage, in arc, construda in the called place Jump. This reservatrio encloses a surface that goes of Pira until Rosary, territory little below of Is Joo Landmarks.

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