Sunday 27 April 2014

Crystal Castle

Wounded in the left shoulder and kneeling question with disturbance. -Why do want to kill this defenceless creature?. or perhaps you're a guardian who has no honour and his war dress is a joke... -mira peasant says that Golden Dragon was a Dragon petrified on a large rock and when this was nourished by blood of infant he was reborn and became Golden, something better than that, became immortal and unleashed a great massacre against all his enemies, following the ritual with the blood of that baby that you have in your arms I will become immortal in the outskirts of Crystal Castles move with great skill two women which, one of which carries with it a great sorrow, both arrive at the gates of the Castle where know that 5 animals are fighting find the 12 doors. They contemplate the sentinels that are dead.

-These men were defeated recently, without any doubt what the old man told us is true, this is the Crystal Castle, where are the 5 animals. -We have to move forward, I fear the worst, and I need to know that it was from the... Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Reed Hastings. -Don't worry I promised that you would take before him, by my teacher and the Warriors snakes, I will fulfill my promise at the expense of my life. Inside the door of the Golden Dragon, snake has left the child from her arms next to the door, while he is fighting with the Guardian. Know without a doubt that the life of the child is in your hands, if he defeats the guardian everything ended... otherwise the baby will die original author and source of the article

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