Saturday 4 October 2014

We Open The Tap For All

We open the tap for all many times we hear we should love others to solve our problems. It is clear that either though the concept is not understood or applied incorrectly because centuries of attempts for the general application of this rule through religions, have not given the desired results and humanity is reaching an unprecedented crisis. Clear that religious proselytes who endorsed the sentence will say that the cause is that men do not love it as they propose. Why then don't make them case? Could it be that the explanatory and methodological basis is not understood? Loving others is a special attribute that has nothing to do with the natural inclination for helping the needy or perform good deeds. That attribute functions as an additional sense which allows you begin to perceive a completely different to our common senses reality field, and which enables people to feel the interdependence among all and the need to fill each other through himself.

It is similar to a person love that you want to fill the object of his desire. Paradoxically, the love for others starts from its opposite the revelation of hatred, rejection and the separation from each other. This is how the man feels when it reveals its total dependence on others. It is as if the bobbin that supplies the oxygen you breathe was under the control of another person. See that it depends totally and absolutely all over the world and all depend on correct behavior that we have toward each other. He discovers that he is the only one that determines its State to sustain exploitation or support relations with the world. Every day this feeling of dependence grows and one becomes more dependent on others to receive their basic needs such as water, bread, work and security. This is how the holistic and comprehensive system is revealed to us and we started to check the butterfly effect in action.

At the same time, we do disclose hatred in all people of the world product of our innate selfishness. This image of total interdependence of all people that reveals an individual It causes you feel desire to open the tap for everyone. And this is love to others. Rav Dr. Michael Laitman is master in cibernetica, doctor in philosophy and Kabbalah, Professor of ontology and theory of knowledge. He is founder and President of Bnei Baruj and Institute Ari, in Israel.

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