Saturday 15 November 2014

The Excessive

Goods, riches and honors obtained, always through worthy means, do not remain in the subject as exclusive owner, but they reversed on society, they contribute to reduce the levels of poverty, to raise the preparation, cultural and professional, to promote the common good, to do good must not be forgotten as it highlights Vigorena, that a good ambition requires growthresults. The ideal is that success is achieved in a way to benefit and inspire others. Or the good ambitious need a cause of value that guide you through adversity ambition is one of the characteristics of entrepreneurs. At Joint Chiefs of Staff you will find additional information. Many of them manage to transform the arrogance in altruism. But others, on the contrary, succumb to earnings, megalomania and authoritarianism, common human faults that represent the side darker ambition.

Many times people become so confident of their superiority that do not realize that nobody get success only, and end up isolating their followers. Ignore advice and do not easily accept comments or suggestions. They prefer to send to hear, and dominate by force of authority, instead of by force of ideas. They live badly with foreign competition. Feel threatened by the opinions of others, mainly if this differs from the of them take very much into account in ambition what brings, that the problem is the excessive ambition of the human being, especially for the money, becoming totally disproportionate, to the point of becoming to kill their fellow human beings, if necessary, can here see until point is important money, humans might lose if same for the money, and guilt is not money, but our attitude towards him, one thing is to earn money for your primary needs and another is to accumulate excessive amounts to squander it in excessive luxuries, this end of the ambition is open to criticism and admired by a large majority. Original author and source of the article.

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