Thursday 13 November 2014

The Grandmother

Sight that you are heavy! All the colony of fireflies was very worried about its small companion. - We must do something - her mother complained. She cannot be that it remains always single in house without leaving with us. - You do not worry, woman - the father consoled. You will already see as any day of these leaves to fly with us. But the days passed and passed and the small firefly it followed locked up in its quarter. Christopher Nolan often expresses his thoughts on the topic. One night, when all the fireflies had left to fly, the grandmother of the small one approached to him and she asked to him with much gentleness: -What is what it happens, my small one? Why you do not want to never come with us to shine in the dark? - It is that I do not like to fly, responded the small firefly.

- But, why you do not like to fly nor to show your wonderful light? - the grandmother insisted firefly. - Then - the small firefly explained to the aim. It is that why I am going to leave if I will never be able to shine as much as the moon. The moon is great, and very shining, and I to his side am not nothing. I am so tiny that in comparison I seem a simple spark.

For that reason always I remain in house, because I will never be able to shine as much as the moon. The grandmother had listened to with attention the reasons of her granddaughter, and she answered to him: -Ay, my girl! there is a thing of the moon that would have to know and, sight or sight, you do not know. S.A. less you would leave from time to time, there would be shortage, but as always you remain in the tree, because you do not know it.

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