Thursday, 22 August 2013


The crystals, with their enormous variety and beauty, have fascinated to the humanity from remote times, nevertheless always have existed people who feel one special sensitivity and that touching crystals is invaded by a critical moment sensation or illumination. This fact has been translated in applying divinatory crystals to arts like the tarot. The crystals are used to harmonize chakras, in order to eliminate negative energies, to maintain the harmony, etc. corporal and at present they are not excluded from the treatment and the divination, or through own crystals, or are accompanied by tarot letters. Nobody doubt at this point of the power of crystals, but is necessary to consider that in case single they are not going to give all the answers us. The crystals have been and continue being tools the service of the person uses who them, and that, besides being a responsibility, represents to have knowledge and developed salary a special sensitivity. The crystals cannot in case single change what we do not want, but starting off of the premise to want to change something of us or to know our future, they are without a doubt very valuable objects.

The people who at present dedicate to the world of the tarot and the videncia, besides crystals or stones, use the distances of tarot letters, because when it is to keep awake the future, el/la tarotista, feels more jointly seguro/a visualizing the crystals and the position of the arcane ones of the tarot. On the other hand, the crystals also have relation with a zodiacal sign, of there their direct or indirect relation with letters of the tarot and planets. He is recommendable therefore, to realise the accompanied distances of tarot with crystals previously ritualizados thus to secure an interpretation of the future free of uncertainty.

Friday, 16 August 2013

Internet Work From Home

Bloggers does not tend to savor the fact that the Web, is a place where can tabajar by Internet in the house and those of down have a strong possibility of success, and that is wonderful, no longer plus the days in which only investing a strong amount in something, we had the possibility of having a gain, now is easier, only we must learn the new technology, that is not easy, but is difficult either, then, how I can work by Internet in the house? good, putting blog. If you already have blog to be able to work by Internet in the house, with the aim of selling publicity, there are two basic ways that you can use for the hiring of sponsoring which they want to put announcements in its site; it can leave somebody more does all the work of field, or if it wants it can do the work you. same and to maintain all the income. Within the first group, many people have been able to work by Internet in casa.y thus to generate extra money for their expenses. If he still does not have blog, I recommend to him that she goes and familiarize is stopped yet that it begins to work by Internet in the house more soon possible, I recommend to him, that is of simplest of aprendery can begin to commit errors and to learn there, if it does not come out to him well, can clear all it and begin again until it learns. Then, we have blog to learn as we can work by Internet in the house, in which we sell a product, aside we have announcements of Google Adsense, and can sell products of others (called affiliates) that they give you until 70% of the sales! The exemplary model to work by Internet in the house, is to have blog with products of affiliates + its product + Google Adsense, then we could say that it would win sufficient to say to his cuates to him that it already knows to work by Internet in the house! And the best thing is of than Blogger, com gives permission you that you put all the blogs that you want! you can put ten if your you want, but first is necessary to learn to use the control board well to put our articles in blog, so that it can read it to people in Internet, I I advise to him that it sells something regarding which to you. it likes more, like a hobbie or a virtue that you. it has, thus it will know and one will notice of which you, know than this speaking.

Friday, 9 August 2013

International Relations

Many are the questions that finish for influencing the accomplishment and the maintenance of a situation of peace and the international peace: the proper war or armed conflicts, the ambient subdesenvolvimento, poverty, misery, violence, questions and of sustainable development, the organized crime transnational, the economic and commercial exclusion, the cultural, religious and ethnic intolerncia, the proper democracy and its absence, the disrespect to the International law, the international terrorism, the armament race, to only cite some examples. As a legal phenomenon, the international peace is the peace protected for Chapter VII of the Letter of the ONU, therefore he is the Advice of Security that legally defines the content and the extension legal politics and of the peace. In result of this, it can be said that a State of peace is that one that respects the peace of the Letter. However, the narrow linking enters Right and Politics, much more evident in Relations International, makes of categories legal of International law, under point of view realistic, great emptiness legal that if complete by elements of the politics and the relations of being able, when, under an idealistic point of view, those questions (and the determination of the peace) would not have to be citizens the consideraes and variations of contents politicians, but would have to be seen as pure facts, that is, are lived or not in a peace situation. In one third perspective, essentially racionalista, the peace situation is a situation of necessary convivncia and the diplomacy of the possible one between States, perhaps the one that more if approaches, in the context of this study, of the questions of the disarmament. These three perspectives take in them to reflect that, if we considered the peace situation as a pure phenomenon and fact of the philosophy, we would have to resign to a series of elements, of diverse natures, that influence in formation, orientation and perception of a peace situation, as the different facts legal, social, economic, cultural politicians, and relations of being able between States.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Scientific History

In the field of scientific history, more specifically, engaged in the chain of the autocorrigibilidade of Science we come across ourselves with Thomas Kuhn and with its concepts of paradigm, normal science and scientific revolution, these concepts indicate in them to devir dialtico of the History of Science with the alternation of the scientific communities in prestige to engrandecerem in palco of its specific science, its paradigm or matrix to discipline, as detainer of effectiveness in determined moment of this history, taking it writing its manuals until anomalies appear that they run away its capacity from resolution restoring in its place a new more efficient paradigm, called event scientific revolution. The paradigms, or matrices to discipline, are the fundamental teses of a scientific community, generally, deriving of a scientific revolution restored that them for its effectiveness in deciding problems that escaped of the sphere of the old paradigm that if becomes anomalous. The scientific community more than theoretical liames technician, creates personal bows with its founding paradigm, its reason of being in the scientific field; such bows acquire affective, ontolgicas and ethical connotations, what it becomes the simple possibility of anomaly in this matrix to discipline as something not acceptable and until, that must be prevented by the scientists who compose such community. Normal science if characterizes for the rebuscamento of the paradigm, through the register in scientific manuals of its postulate, as well as of the problems that if find in its sphere being passveis of resolutions in agreement the paradigmtico model. However, the development of normal science, by means of the survey of diverse problems that must be decided in agreement the matrix to discipline e, later must be registered in scientific manuals, approaches the scientists of the threshold of paradigmtico field e, therefore, of the constatao of anomalies in its sphere. The scientific revolution evidences appearing of a new thesis, consisting as new paradigm basing another one scientific community, that decides the questions that extenuaram the possibilities of effectiveness in the resolution of the old scientific community with its looser paradigm.