Eclo 16.21). In the Evangelho of today, we have three contraposition: The first one, is between the old order ' ' not matars' ' new the practical one of Jesus who discards exactly all offence, hatred or defamation to the brother, with the persistence in reconciling itself with it, in case that it has some disagreement. It detaches true the sensible one of the respect to the life, as to search the reconciliation with who enemy adversary is seen as or. Thus, ' ' not matars' ' it means: you will not attempt against against the life of no form, either for the violence or injustice. Second, ' happens between the order; ' you do not commit adultrio' ' a new behavior where the proper desire of the adultery one does not create roots in the human heart. Finally, the third contraposition is made enters the old orders of ' ' not to swear falso' ' ' ' to fulfill to the done oaths the Mr.
' ' the rejection of any form of oath. To live everything this becomes necessary that let us search the wisdom, ' ' not of the wisdom of this world nor of the wisdom of the powerful ones But the Mysterious wisdom of God, hidden wisdom that, since the eternity, God destined for ours glria' ' (1Cor 2,6-7). In synthesis, expensive brothers in the faith, fit to each one to assume with responsibility its acts, acting in way coherent, reflected and consequent, deciding themselves, simply, for yes or for not. Knowing that ' ' Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday and today and for all eternidade' ' (Hb 13,8), that is, It does not move.
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