This code of ethics and guidance for a better life provides the priority principles, on the basis of people peacefully and successfully in harmony can coexist. Who is not survived, cannot have joy or happiness. Attempting to survive in a chaotic, dishonest and generally immoral society is associated with difficulties." This is the principle of L. Ron Hubbard's Guide to life (the way to happiness) based on common sense. Until the beginning of the 1980s, L. Ron Hubbard observed that the world had rather become a jungle. People doing dirty business on the stock exchange and by fraud, they amass a large fortune. The beginning of the 1980s seemed a L.
Ron Hubbard to be scary period of violence and fraud. He saw violence in many run down neighbourhoods of America always grow. With regard to this morally down rising population L. Ron Hubbard in 1981 his way to happiness "presented. His goal was to maintain the fabric of society and to revive the old values. In addition he wanted to bring out an inter-denominational code, what all people This world whether religious or not it can keep. The way to happiness"appeals only to the common sense of the reader and is focused on practical assistance in the application of the 21 precepts in their daily lives. It is available as small paperback, hardcover and on DVD as a movie in many large online book shops. The film contains all 21 rules as compelling messages in each 21 different video clips. It is a series of interwoven stories. Each one shows different individuals in the ups and downs of life. Following their losses, wrong choices, triumphs, and their dilemma, until eventually every single person on the way to happiness"is. It is a film about life, finding his own way, and the insistence of the human spirit. At the end, a person using this Visual presentation of "The way to happiness", a universal and timeless message, penetrating and inspiring experience. It is a message that the other can be taught to improve their viability and their future. More information: press service of the Scientology Church Bayern e.V. public relations: UTA Ebrusheee the Edward Street 12, 80802 Munchen, TEL. 089-38607-0, FAX. 089-38607-109 WEB:
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