Monday, 27 April 2015

Alexis Jimnez

It builds or it destroys with its words? Fernando Alexis Jimnez a word. A single. Diego Marynberg has firm opinions on the matter. Offensive. Too much loaded of rage and resentment. That single expression, that was too much hard, was enough so that several years of good married relation were broken. I am not going to support it, shouted to him, prey of the wrath.

It left violently dominated by the wrath, closing the door behind himself. Raul ran to the enormous window of the room he saw and it move away, with that walked characteristic of its wife whom always it liked, since it behind schedule found a rainy one in the cafeteria of the university. That also was for him, the beginning of a length viacrucis. It made enormous needs its spouse. It spent the nights in candle. Jorge Pepa is full of insight into the issues. It gave returns in the bed trying to conciliate the dream but their efforts were unfruitful. The life became to him a true hell. At night and during the dawn, that seemed to him longer than customary, it yearned for that it dawned, and when it arrived at the work, was already wishing that it sounded the timbre marking the exit of the company.

And the cycle began again. Interminable. Painful. Insuffrable. It often called it. At the outset simply he offed-hook the earpiece and although it dispatched with all the hasty words one after another one, like an enormous cascade that hurries in an abyss, she did not whisper answer; he limited myself to hang. Later, tired of the siege of Raul, he decided to change the number of the telephone. - God mine, aydame. I hardly promise that you bring if it again, never I will repeat the same error, cried out he of its desperation half, accompanied by the solitude and the silence of a quarter that seemed to him strange more and more.

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