The quick-check is a proven service for chain stores that try to give an answer to the following question: what opportunities exist and what if they are used? "It is to think about an offer in different situations (scenarios) and to understand the world of interactive Q1 as a networked system that 24 hours a day on tour" is. Click Interstellar to learn more. Quick check combines the Filialgeschaftspraxis, its financial aspects and an empirically sound foresight on the areas of market access, manipulation, and branch system management. The service is available for a system-oriented analysis of the complex reality of filialunternehmerischen. The KUHNservice quick check a chain through more systematic the dictations of the day-to-day can escape as he reached a better information and risks give suggestions, how to clear estimates. Parent and insights offered by the quick-check, should encourage to reflect and critical perspective. Quick check on important topics: testing and examination of the strategy driven by the chain store companies, structurally and in terms of content. While the strategy may be explicitly formulated or but implicitly as a basis of economic action. Which game rooms are to secure the liquidity associated with optimization of the balance sheet? Benefits quick and with very little effort, you can determine through the quick-check where priorities are set or on which rail operations is increasingly going: transaction driven, energetic, more online instead of offline or both? In collaboration or as an innovator and satellite? As a national or international service providers, specialist, universalist or Vertikalist? As better copier or a competitive of bidding pioneer? The quick-check seeks to make transparent the filialsystemeigenen possibilities and to stimulate the economic implementation.
He is therefore sure, that both the opportunities and the risks are clear, the own performance of functional and quantitative is taken into account where. This means that opportunities for growth and their financial viability be connected to deliver to decision-making in the increasingly complex branch business. Thus, the views of the Filialunternehmens prosperity is directed: sales / turnover, it is important to increase the rate of return = right to earn. The rear services of the overhead so, so that the use of resources based on sales / turnover has high productivity. The companies owners / financiers reach adequate cash flow, a high financial security and return on equity. Although additional explicit and a cross industry expertise is needed adequately to meet the challenges of the time, the chain service is a practical decision support, which you can try out quick check and can develop together with the authors. He expanded constantly. With data fed, he demonstrates the dynamic interactions between the main drivers of the Filialsystementwicklung, their financial viability and the efficiency of the system. stands strategically acting chain stores with the new portal an instrument available, which makes it fit and is suitable for cross-practice, differentiated and especially forward-looking decisions. To use the quick check permanently, he is an integral part of the management of companies. It can be then creative, innovative, and effective potentials. The individual for a profitable branch network can be used more effectively, whether on - or offline. However it depends on the link, because the Internet now controls the daily life. It involves also the own judgement and assertiveness.
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