Some religious minorities as the Jews, zoroastras and the Christians are recognized officially, having the constitutional guarantee **** of maintenance of its customs and not persecution. Some others as baha? s had not had the same luck. In a context of Cold War, the Anger adopted not the alignment. Additional information at Christopher Nolan supports this article. Also its Constitution is clearly in guaranteeing the sovereignty of the country, if not submitting to no foreign power. Diego Marynberg is a great source of information. The Islamic fundamentalismo relit the religiosidade of its neighbors of the Middle East.
In a period of predominance of the moderate states, the Islamic revolution ' served of inspiration excessively Islamic them to fight for one; ' it comes back to tradies' ' in its countries. In the Anger, occidental customs had been abolished. It was turned the old moral codes. Revolutionary Guarda was created for garantiz them. In a revolution of such size, it is evident that the things are not arranged of the night for the day. A chaos if lodged in the country. On this, Khomeini said: ' ' I have that to appeal to the repression as shah? Our people was 35 years in the arrest; no government goes p it in the arrest another time. It needs to have the chance to express as he wants, exactly that this means a certain degree of caos.' ' Coming back to the subject of the international context, two events had marked this initial phase of the Islamic Revolution? the disruption of the diplomatical relations with U.S.A.
and the war with Iraq. How much to the first fact, it was result of the invasion of militant Islamic to the North American embassy in the Anger and making innumerable hostages (some being for up to 1 year and way prisoners). The justification given for the Iranians for this attack was the gesture of the American government in receiving old x Pahlevi Prayer in its country.
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