Wednesday 28 November 2012

Espirito Santo

For its frequency they seem to show that it is a ritual between individuals that if had recognized, or so that individuals reattach its fraternais relations. In contrast to other species of primate, very rare they are engaged in aggressive actions, being considered a extremity enters the primates for its low aggressiveness. On this behavior it is good for detaching what it tells to the news article of the site vivaterra: Muriqui presents great tolerance between individuals, and frequent they forrageiam, if they move and they rest without indications of direct competition are observed. That is particularly interesting it the same enters the adult males of group, that although to remain close to one another is not engaged in direct competitions, also for apt females the reproduction. The reproductive system can be characterized as differentiated.

Adult females are receptive to all the males of the group, being able to copular with some males in a short space of time without it has monopoly or attempts of interruption. The males on average reach its sexual maturity to the 6 years and the females to the 11 years of age. The gestation of the females hard on average 230 days, being born a youngling to each three years. The drama of the monkey hippie Has two types of muriqui, the one of them muriqui-do-north (Brachyteles hypoxanthus), more integrates the list of the 25 threatened primates of the world, is calculated that they remain only 500 units in Brazil. The other type, the muriqui-do-south (Brachyteles arachnoides), is considered a little less threatened, with a population esteem in about 1500 individuals.

The fame of hippie also comes of the fact never to demonstrate aggressiveness, not even in the dispute for a female, and to live copulando. They hug themselves very and the abraos happen in the most varied situations of day-by-day. Endemic species of Atlantic Mata muriqui lives in such a way in primary bushes as in dense secondary bushes of the coastal regions of the Espirito Santo or the semideciduous ones of the interior of Minas Gerais and So Paulo.

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