Wednesday 21 November 2012

The Memory

The importance of the formation of fascinating professors if makes for the necessity of a new to look in the education process/learning, a look that it searchs to rescue the paper of the professor, detaching the importance of if thinking the formation about a boarding who goes beyond the academic, involving the personal, professional and organizacional development of the teaching profession. Ahead of such factors the fascinating professor appears who transforms the information into knowledge and the knowledge in experience. These professors know that only the experience is registered in privileged way in ground of the memory, and it only creates avenues capable to transform the personality. Therefore, they are always bringing the information that they transmit for the life experience. In this context, the research on the formation of professors and to know professors to them appears as mark of the intellectual production, with the development of studies that use a boarding theoretician-metodolgica who of a voice to the professor, from the analysis of trajectories, histories of life.

According to Nvoa (1995), this new boarding came in opposition to the previous studies that finished for reducing the teaching profession to a set of abilities and techniques, generating a crisis of identity of the professors in result of a separation between professional I and personal I. This turn in the inquiries started to have the professor as central focus in studies and debates, considering how much ' ' way of vida' ' staff finishes for intervening with the professional. One adds despite this movement appeared, in a pedagogical universe, in a will to produce one another type of knowledge, next to the educative realities and the quotidiano of the professors. Rethink the formation of the professors from the practical analysis of the pedagogical one, Pepper (1999) identifies the appearance of the question knowing of them as one of the basic aspects in the studies on the identity of the profession of the professor and leaving of this premise it can be considered that the identity is constructed from the social significao of the profession, of the constant revision of the social meanings.

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