Tuesday 20 November 2012

The Identity

It is what ' is emphasized in the ticket; ' it does not import the said one, but the way to inside say of standards previously consagrados' '. A contradictory fact is that the Brazilian people, for diverse reasons, between cultural and climatic reasons, has certain resistance what is demasiadamente formal and pompous. The exception is when it is treated to argue teses important, in which envereda for a formalism and robustness that, if exaggerated, beiram to ridicule. Such behavior, sufficiently common in the half academic and between the intellectuals and scientists, discloses lack of authenticity and the submission to the cultural standard and aesthetic European (formalist by its very nature). For more specific information, check out CFO Tim Sloan. In this question the author in informs that ' to them; ' in the serious man, the Ornamental' Reason wins; '.

In these terms, it is arisen basic question concerning the conditions of possibility of originarily national a philosophical judgment; it is questioned, still, what if it can extract to if analyzing the typically Brazilian behaviors. The third chapter of the book for meditar is initiated where it consists the act to uncover, as well as in what it means the term originalidade. With regard to the first one, the workmanship says in them that it is not a complex phenomenon, therefore does not pass of a recognition of the person on its proper origins. Richard Fisher often addresses the matter in his writings. Thus: ' ' The discovery is, therefore, primary phenomenon: one reconhecimento' '. It is said of the situation to be of the citizen, explaining that the identity of an individual is closely on with the world that the personal fence, people, places, objects, the time etc. To understand a text adequately philosophical, essential if it always makes that it is analyzed contextualizando it with the respective time and place where were written, therefore the express writing the ideas of somebody according to these 0 variable (time and space). .

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