Thursday 10 October 2013


One knows that the majority of the people has at least once in their life, the sensation to listen to pitido or humming in their ears, although this symptom disappears, generally, to the few minutes of to have begun. You will be asking yourself then: why I listen to a humming in the ear? The causes that can produce it are many but we are going to divide them in two great groups: If the humming disappears quickly, is very probable that been you have exposed to a sonorous source of great volume, as in the case of a concert or a celebration. Also it can be due to a change in the pressure like which it is taken place when the strange body presence of or wax in the ear is traveled simply in airplane or by. But your question is why I listen to a humming in the ear permanently? then the causes will be related to a traumatism at cranial level, to an infection in the ear, the age or the exhibition to great noises during long time and without protection. Nowadays they have increased the consultations to specialists with questions like: why I listen to a humming in the ear? she has cures? I am going away to be deaf? Although a unique treatment does not exist to fight this evil, the medicine raises diverse treatments that aim to reduce the symptoms by means of enmascaradores of noise and complementary therapies that help the patients to bear these symptoms, adapting and learning to coexist with them so that they are not a permanent annoyance. The humming of ear without treatment, can produce diminution in the levels of long term hearing if it is not dealt with urgency. For that reason the consultation with a specialist to be able is fundamental to diagnose the specific cause of the humming and to apply the treatment to fight it. There is a well-known but very effective method little that is guaranteed to cause that the acfenos disappear for always. If you want to read as I personally managed accidentally to eliminate the acfenos, you do Click Here.

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