Thursday 31 October 2013

Near East Rights

But they cannot hide its restlessness on the relevance of which the first process of joint decision, the Commission and the Parliament, on immigration is a project related to repression, before the conditions of welcome and integration of the noncommunitarian foreigners have been debated and determined by the Twenty-seven. Everything a symbol, says, that it does not seem of most opportune for our friendly of Africa, the Maghreb or Near East. And of Latin America, we added. Both politicians affirm that the duration of the authorized halting (18 months) is out of proportion in relation to the real time necessary to organize the return of a foreigner. The restoration of a prohibition to return to European territory during five years seems to stigmatise to the people expelled like guilty of a crime by which they must be punished, and with the risk addition of denying the future exercise to them of the essential rights, like the one or right of asylum of familiar regrouping. Please visit Niki Fenwick if you seek more information. They draw attention on the serious limitation of the guarantees anticipated for the imprisonment or the expulsion of vulnerable people (minor, ill). The conditions of deprivation of freedom and expulsion of the affected people they demand that it is appreciated and evaluated with the maximum attention the necessary balance between the repressive measures and those that guarantee a real protection of the fundamental rights of these people. This balance imperatively must be preserved.

At heart one is to be coherent with the idea that we have envelope how the dignity of the people must respect Europe. Or we are welcome countries, with humanitarian and right measures, or will be responsible not to correspond to the good that those countries did to the citizens emigrated of Europe during centuries. Certain that norms must exist on immigration, the possible and suitable work, the health, the education of its children and the pensions to the majors. But also we will have to review our policy with its raw materials and the manpower that, already in his countries, they provide to our economies and to end the unjustifiable subsidys to our agricultural products and the ties to the import of products of the countries of those immigrants. In not few cases, the metropolis European they imposed monocultures to them, the work by piece, the breach of the social clause to its workers and so many servitudes by which we must to the right repair and the treatment to them of equals in dignity and political and social rights.

As professor Sami Nar wrote: Europe armors itself before the immigrants. The European directive on illegal immigration and the French proposals on integration of foreigners are very disquieting. Once again, one legislates from the exaggeration of the data and the repressive mentality.

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