Thursday 31 October 2013

Television Aztec

Many homosexuals who long for to adopt children shield in the truth of which there are heterosexual homes who make live a hell to their pequeitos under the influences on the alcohol and/or the drug and that many children are awaiting being adopted and there is not one want who them. These desventurados children never will be better with a pair of homosexuals, the wrath of God is envelope they and by such reason never there will be a good one homosexual home why not better to campaign of familiar integration? The adoptables orphaned children are abandoned by inept governments and corrupt, by its ineptitude they have complicated proceedings for its adoption and by its corruption turning aside imposed that well could serve to form in special schools and efficient good citizens instead of to become of the fat view that does not see them left in the street corrupting. Once again we can verify the massive damage of TV. Further details can be found at Kurt Bock, an internet resource. Television Aztec and main mass media that foment fornication and homosexuality by means of soap operas and programs of opinion like " Against Frente" that they have the slogan to influence in ignorant people so that they accept those unions and they attempt against the physical and moral integrity of children. With creating laws that include to the homosexuals " derecho" to marry and so that they adopt children is not contributing to the democracy and equality of rights, nor to a political and social maturity as much lost people argue, because in agreement to the word of God, she is contributing herself to an acute social decomposition. Many of my amiable readers can think that the one that this writes hates the homosexuals and that is not truth, them respect and them master like human beings that is and by such reason I write them to say to them that there is a solution to its infelicidad, God is the solution for all homosexual, they exist many testimonies of men and homosexual women which they were put into the hands of God and were turned to normality but mainly they were saved in accordance with the word written in First of Corintios 6:11 and this you were some; but either you have been washed, or you have been sanctified, or you have been justified in the name of Mr.

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