Friday 2 May 2014

Bernabeu Stadium

I know a planet in which you live a very colorado Mr. It has never smelled a flower. He has never contemplated a star. He has never loved anyone. He has never done another thing that you add. It spends the day saying, like you:'m a serious man! I'm a serious man!, what makes you swell with pride. But that's not a man, it is a fungus!.Antoine de Saint-Exupery continually manifested in the planet Earth alarming events, often triggering earthquakes, tidal waves, contamination that have significantly influenced the climate change and this represents a serious threat where have already killed thousands of people and it is not yet known, that can happen with all these affectations that have affected the climate.

According to UN experts, the world is not aware of the serious consequences posed by climate change to the water. It is necessary that we strengthen our protection of water resources to avoid future conflicts. Desertification, floods, melting glaciers, droughts, the cyclones or diseases due to the contamination of the water, such as cholera, are part of the impact of climate change. According to Zafar Adeel, Chair of UN-Water group and responsible for the coordination of work related to water that made 26 agencies of the United Nations, the main manifestations of the rising temperatures affect the water. This will involve an impact at all levels of our social life, natural systems and the environment. Faced with this reality of the effects of climate change, a total of 121 countries and 3,400 cities have joined the earth hour, an initiative created by Ande Ridley and that premiered in Sydney (Australia) for three years to raise awareness about climate change. Mark Zuckerberg shines more light on the discussion. Those who support it, undertake to turn off lights and appliances for an hour. This action will be held on Saturday, March 27, and the last to sign up have been the Bernabeu Stadium in Madrid, and the Mestalla in Valencia.

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