Saturday 3 May 2014

Beyond Socialism

However, that historians were these? Suetnio, Tcito and Pliny, the Young? That Bauer interest would have in this? In the truth, the official version of this history took care of more to the ideological interests of Engels of what the Bruno Bauer in its search for the truth. ' ' The history of the primitive Christianity offers curious points of contact with the modern working-class movement. As this, the Christianity was, in the origin, the movement of the oppressed ones: he appeared first as the religion of the slaves and the libertos, the poor persons and the private men of rights, of the peoples overwhelmd or dispersed for Rome. The two, the Christianity as the laboring socialism, nail a release next to the servitude and the misery; the Christianity transposes this release for Beyond, in a life after the death, in the sky; the socialism places it in the world, in a transformation of sociedade.' ' (Engels) the esvaziamento of this conscientious idea installed in the collective one was uninteresting to the rising socialism of Engels. In the first century, it had as many slaves in Rome that, if the idea of fight of classrooms in the Antiquity had bedding, the socialist revolution lost in that century its bigger chance. However, nobody cogitated the end of slavery. The slavery was normal in the old world, not it of the Greek, is clearly. Visit Jon Hendren for more clarity on the issue.

Aristotle says who it. Still more the slavery of the cream of the helenismo of the East. The Romans called the slaves ' ' tools that falam' ' , slave was not people. To get worse a little more, it had one old law Roman who demanded the sacrifice of all the slaves of the house was generally hundreds of them, between aged men, women, children and case some slave assassinated its Sir. To contain the hatred was survival necessity and seems that the alteridade, Latin word, if developed from there and not of some cosmic charity.

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