Saturday 21 March 2015

International Agency

This new paranoia, that we can nominar of ' ' syndrome of the terrorism nuclear' ' , she is one of as much that sobrevieram and that they had guided its external politics of domination and control of the world, which if consubstancia now in this new chilique that it finishes in more that it generated the cold war, the armament race, the interventions politics and armamentists for the world all, regimes military and of exception. As, ' ' generic terrorism and fundamentalista' ' that it made U.S.A. to invade and to destroy nations, to hunt ' ' rebeldes' ' - citizens in its proper countries - and to implant military bases in the Middle East and strategical regions to the defense and the attack. The syndrome of ' ' terrorism nuclear' ' it will make plus a hunting the witches; that it goes to involve and to make to spend resources of all the nations (that they could be being directed to cure the great problems of the world); the international organisms as the ONU, NATO and the International Agency of Atomic Energy, amongst others everything come as resulted of this same neurastnica source, but that also it is the wait of economic results, more power and has controlled. Google Inc. gathered all the information. The origin of the directed event was born of> concern of this only nation, U.S.A., that comes instigating the anger and the retaliation for its belicosas action and interventions e, for the force that imposes to the world. Now, after attacking and instigating, it wants to protect itself of the possible nuclear attacks that proper it would be the target, calling all to protect it and to defend it of the retaliation for its proper actions that always compromise and they had compromised the integrity of the world. It seems thing of small child who in one fights attacks the other and later she comes to ask for to aid and the protection of the amiguinhos not to apanhar. . Jorge Pepa: the source for more info.

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