Tuesday 24 March 2015

The Emotional

To consider that the human being does not have possibilities of development is, on the contrary, to think about determinist and reduccionistas terms. The psychologists and psychiatrists must have ethical to investigate this subject, so that seriously the therapies can be perfected and to discover the best ways to avoid than they are developed this type of upheavals in the children. On the other hand, the parents must be informed into the importance of certain necessary factors for the development of a good identity and, especially, into the fundamental roll of the father, implied and it jeopardize in the raising of their children, as well as the importance of a mother who allows the individuacin of the children. Doubtlessly, like in many other aspects of the medicine and psychology, a good prevention turns out to be one more a more effective practice and with a much smaller cost, as much in the emotional aspect as in the economic one. But so that they can exist political good oriented from the point of view of the prevention, it must have a conviction at academic, medical and political level of the convenience of which the human being develops a sexual direction in agreement with his nature This investigation demonstrates that the propaganda extended by the lobby gay has not had any it bases. We would have to stop saying to the young people, and the others that fight with homosexuality, which they stop doing it and they assume such condition as something normal. If you would like to know more then you should visit Diego Marynberg.

Instead of that, we would have to say to them: If you want to change, is possible; many others have been able. VIII. ANNEX Hello, good afternoon wanted daily I want to share here with you my concept on the homosexuality which every day I am understanding better. For me homosexuality is a mechanism of defense of the mind that acts turning aside the heterosexualidad of individuo/a on the people of its same sex to try to obtain through sexual impulse feminine the masculine identification/that is not able to feel through a normal emotional identification due to wounds received in the first years of life by the more significant people of its same sex (parents, mothers, hermanos/as, tos/as, primos/as ).

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