Thursday 28 November 2013


The objective: One approaches, it speaks him with her, it makes the agreements to see it again. Of this moment in it advanced, its success depends on its ability to communicate verbally with the wished woman. She already has given approval him to approach him, now you you have an opportunity to gain her approval to see it again. The way good for being successful in the phase is simply to continue and to do it! The more you think envelope which will say, or how she could react, the more it will doubt in going towards her and speaking with her. It remembers that you do not have anything absolutely nothing that to lose! You already know the importance of action. Now it is the perfect time in order to execute the initiative. He walks towards the focused woman. If a woman sees him walk with confidence towards her, she will recognize that you are a safe man of itself.

At this point, you need to say something to her. Everything what you must do is to break the ice, then she will answer and a conversation begins. During this phase, it must have more contact line of vision and the corporal language must continue. You can notice that their gestures reflect theirs, or vice versa. This one is a signal that you are putting yourself comfortable with the conversation and a connection is being created. With this positive conduct, you must request his number so that you can call it, or must decide one hour and place to be again. He will take practice to feel comfortable to approach to the women, but in time and experience, he will find out soon that technical they work better for you.

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