Thursday 28 November 2013


FIRST PROTESTANT STEPS IN the PIAU Dr. Julio Lustosa, piauiense and judge of Itapecuru-Mirim, the State of the Maranho, in the decade of 80 of century XIX, already tell on the necessity of the study of the protestantismo in the Piau: ' ' The baptist in the Piau - It is perhaps a curiosity subject to make one briefing searches concerning the protestantismo in the Piau. The history of Origin and development of the evanglica religion in our State still is one confused, in such a way almost unknown one, without let us have the pretension to present a complete work, but desiring for our native land the full freedom of thought, of conscience and cults, as if it practises in the democratic countries, also we want and we can contribute so that this part of History is clarified. We do not understand as somebody can deprive us of ours exempts examination in accordance with the ditames of our conscience. It is a fact that honors the humanity and the civilization to come the priest Roman catholic to celebrate its Latin mass in to the side of the evanglico minister (any who is denomination) all giving legal-size merciful to the ones of its faith, why, if the diverse languages are diverse and the cults, the thought (to adore the God) are the same, in fundo.' ' The protestantismo appears no longer in Teresina according to semester of 1887, with protestant prime minister North American Dr. George W. Butler, come of Pernambuco, doctor and presbiteriano shepherd, who when arriving initiates its evangelizao in diverse particular houses and with great contentment of its listeners, select and always numerous, also many distinct families, but on the other hand already finds an obstacle on the part of the Vicar of the Church of the Support, therefore in the hour marked for its evanglicos sermes, the vicar ordered to repicar the bells, calling the sheep to the aprisco enclosure, but in they go, therefore the influence the protestant pregao grew massivamente.

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