Thursday 21 November 2013

Globe Problems

All these added facts the impermeability of the ground urban, function of its compacting due to lack of vegetal covering, cause followed problems of draining in the region metropolitan of Rio De Janeiro, what in periods of great rains they go to generate floodings, overflows and floods. Also we cannot leave to cite, with respect to these problems, that most of these areas that suffer with constant problems of overflows and floodings inside of the RMRJ are originally subject to flooding ecosystem areas, as heaths, quagmires and fertile valleys. The news article to follow of the periodical the Globe (2009) of day 12 of November previously tells with perfection our analyses concerning the boarded subject: ' ' The flood that flooded the Of the state of Rio de Janeiro Lowered one, in the Wednesday night and yesterday, was not difficult of being foreseen. The gegrafo Amateur Helmet, specialist in the Basin of the Bay of Guanabara, explained that most of the areas reached for the water was constructed on of originally subject to flooding ecosystems, as heaths, quagmires and fertile valleys. Flooding in the region was facilitated still by geography - a great plain area surrounded by mountain ranges -, by the extreme urbanization of the edges of the canals and rivers and by the practically complete assoreamento of some of the main deltas of rivers of the region, as the Iguau and the Meriti, with enormous islands of garbage and sand. Fan criticized the omission of the public power, since many busy zones were regularized by the proper municipal administrators: The flooded areas are accurately the ones that corresponded to humid ecosystems, generally located to the level of the sea. It is natural that this occurs there. It has a clear recklessness of the public power, since many land divisions in these areas are regularized. An example clearly of this problem is Elseos Fields, in Duke of Caxias' '.

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