Monday 18 November 2013

Social Contingent

For our quarrel we will emphasize, over all, the interacionais and cultural factors. The interactions that we establish nosprimeiros years of life are, obviously, basic why they guarantee nossasobrevivncia, however, this interaction must be drawn out throughout nossasvivncias, after all, is by means of them that we regulate our behaviors noambiente. The time all we are making readings of the behaviors outrosbem of them as of its expectations in relation to our proper behaviors and atravs of this reading that we guide our behaviors. In this direction, we nopodemos> to leave to perceive, for example, the power of communication of the emoeshumanas. We have the capacity to express with considerable dexterity that we quesentimos (as well as making this reading in the other people) and of this we formadizemos which the way most adequate to interact with us in determinadassituaes and can make the same with the other people and, clearly it is, essacapacidade determines, to a large extent, the success of our relations (REEVE, 2006). We cannot forget that in they perspectivaem that if of our quarrel, the man is conceived as possessing of contingent umaindividualidade.

We are a net of beliefs and desires; a net queno if depletes in same itself, but that it flows stops backwards and forward in one processode constant reformularization and answers the new stimulatons, new situations (RORTY, 1994). In this aspect the social interactions also play a papelfundamental. However, even so let us be contingent, is essential that it has umsistema minimum steady stops developing in them and this occurs in nossasinteraes; in our relations always we are remembered of as they must if darnossa independent behavior of which is ' ' layer of the teia of nossaindividualidade' ' that it is if revealing. Thus, in the dynamics of the relaessociais they are established ' ' contratos' ' that they say in them as we must act; garantemuma certain mannering stability.

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