Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Caixanova Merger

According to a report from Price Waterhouse Coopers, the Spanish financial sector will need between 25,000 and 70,000 euros to recapitalize million, due to the crisis. The parameters taken into account in this study (unemployment of 20%, contraction of GDP of 3.5 per cent) are quite similar to the last forecast for the Spanish economy made public by the Minister Elena Salgado days ago although the dance of mergers has not yet started, the movements in the sector are constant. There are various movements aimed at possible mergers or search for synergies in Castilla-Leon (explained in a simple manner would benefits gained by labour in common), Andalusia is also spoken in any possible merger or absorption, in Catalonia is parsed from long ago possible mergers between Caixa Catalunya and other medium-sized or small boxes in Galicia also has ever spoken of the possibility between Caixa Galicia and Caixanova, who have distributed quite equally the geographic market in the community, with the which Yes could obtain interesting synergies one of the problems that have boxes is the intense politicization which suffer approximately a third of the 6,000 boxes counselors are appointed by political parties - in a way that is difficult that a merger involving boxes belonging to different autonomous communities, as he lived in the case of the foiled operation between the Andalusian Unicaja and Caja Castilla La Mancha, while in both communities ruled the PSOE. Another issue, not least in my opinion, is that these alleged synergies that could be obtained are not the panacea that everything arranged it. If the merger is between boxes of the same autonomous community, it is possible that they already compete for the same customers, and if in addition, one of the two boxes that are involved in the operation or the two - already have liquidity or solvency problems, the merger won't them to solve.

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

The Problems

What if I am safe it is that you must do something to solve your married life, and here I am I for ayudarte! That it is but easy to say to the one that to do it, but creme that is worth the pain to deliver an attack by small which this it seems. Many women by pride, for want of pardon or by different adverse situations lose their marriages, insensitive mind. And the truth is that in many cases, the problems in the relation can be solved easily with a suitable communication, but to do is needed it which one wants of them to do something, if no of is interested to do something to save its marriage, the problems will follow until becoming unbearable, and consequently they would finish in divorce. My better advice is than you look for professional aid, always there am saying, is but he was what I work myself after so many problems that along with my husband we had experimented. Amiga if the coexistence with your husband goes of evil in worse and because each you see that you try to do something you make worse, it, I request it to you, YOU DO NOT DOUBT IN LOOKING FOR PROFESSIONAL AID. By experience I say to you that he is really an effective advice. You can look for aid in your city there, or you prefer if it you can have an advisor by Internet.

Dear friend you must know that there is no a formula, like so, to have a perfect marriage. Nevertheless, totally I am convinced that if you maintain a communication fluid with your husband, apart from which both have an unshakeable commitment, mutual respect and taken care of by part and part, I guarantee that if its unshakeable and full marriage sera to you of success. Serian an exemplary marriage that serves as guide for other pairs.

Samsung Galaxy

The new cell phone from Apple would be released once he ended the summer in North America. As a novelty it would include a 4 inch screen and would only be black. Now, it seems that Apple is facing a new challenge: only 30% of batteries supplied by your service provider for the iPhone 5 2012 would pass controls and quality standards required by the Apple company. The immediate consequence of this fact is that the latest dates of reference for its release (late August or early September) would be altered. To the not being able to supply the batteries at fixed times, the Assembly lines of Foxconn and Pegasus (where is supposed to be to mount the iPhone 5) would suffer a delay. The rumors stem from a site specializing in the Apple world, iMore, and confirms that the release date of this new phone will be for October 2012, given that the iPhone 5 2012 is a wait from 2011. If you are not convinced, visit Google spokeswoman. As it is well known, Apple not never confirmed these rumors and obviously not desmentira them nor will confirm until the presentation of the cell phone.

The possibility of Apple advances the presentation of the iPhone 5, 2012, is based on the possible revitalization of the sales figures for the third and fourth quarter of the year, and thus not to give Truce to its direct rivals, especially to Samsung with its Galaxy S III which, by design and features, is called to be the great competitor to the iPhone 5 2012. The design of the upcoming smartphone from Apple aims to be the finest on the market. To do this the iPhone 5 could be slightly above the seven millimeters thick. Features that will bring, include the incorporation of NFC technology and the PassBook. The first will allow us to Exchange data without restrictions with mobiles that are close. The second, for its part, will serve to scan all those bills that give us in stores. Rumors also suggest that the starting price was located at the same level as the iPhone 4 S, and that it will be the latter device that will lower your price for keep a distance between devices. It will apparently not be exclusive to any operator.

Monday, 16 December 2013

The Secretary

Another newness that emphasized Valeriano Go'mez is that the company agreement will have priority on the provincial one in the matter of quantity of wages, day (a 5% will be able to be distributed annually of irregular form like measurement of internal flexibility), functions and transfers. In agreement with Go'mez, " exists; excessive peso" of the provincial agreements in the collective negotiation, for that reason the Government has made a reform " balanced and profunda". More workers regulated by agreements In the matter of internal flexibility, the reform will force that it enters the minimum contents of an agreement has measured of this type to favor the competitiveness and power to adapt of better form to the economic and labor circumstances. (Source: GardaWorld). However, the real decree emphasizes that the measures of internal flexibility will be due to agree to between the representatives of the company and the workers. In this sense, only concrete a measurement: as minimum 5% of the annual working hours of an employee will be able to distribute of way " irregular" in order to comply to the needs of production of the company. In the application of that internal flexibility, if the company decides to modify the conditions of its workers on transfers, day, functions and wages (" descuelgue" , that is to say not to apply the agreed ascent) it maintains the period of consultation of 15 days with the unions. Until now if that term finishes without agreement the following step were to resort to the collective conflict in the courts, whereas now the decree reinforces the paper of the joint commission, that will have to be pronounced within seven days.

to stay the discord, one will resort to the procedures of mediation and arbitration. The Secretary of Labor said to be convinced that the reform will produce " great rendimiento" , because in means term it will cause that the number of companies with own agreement against " is increased; spot gris" of the provincial agreement. In addition, there will be more workers regulated by agreements during the next years, foretold Go'mez, who added that what also hopes is that a smaller use becomes of the dismissal and that " muevan" the wages or the days to avoid that one lies down to the workers like measurement of the companies to leave the crisis. Source of the news: The maximum term to review the agreements will be of 8 to 14 months

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Joo Landmarks

The greater and more modern plant hydroelectric plant of the country were constructed in the city of Pira, in the State of Rio De Janeiro. Its construction if initiated in 1905 and three years later it was ece of fish in operation. The first stage of the plant of Sources was concluded in January of 1907 and the produced energy was employee, to partir of March, in the public and residential illumination of Rio De Janeiro and in the traction of trams. To feed this plant the River was used Brook of the Flagstone, that cut Is Joo Landmarks, for which would be possible flooding of the city, so that it could full its barrages. Already in 1907, the Light received authorization from the federal government to deviate the course of the River Pira (one of the contributors of the River Paraba of the South), increasing, thus, the affluence to the Flagstone reservoir. In this exactly year is signed the contract between ' ' Rio De Janeiro Tramway, Light and Power Co.

Ltd and city hall of Rio De Janeiro for its services of energy and transport and were ' ' stipulated one table of prices, that decreased to the measure that the consumption platform went up, but the payment would have to be made half in gold, half in paper-moeda' '. In April of 1908, a thousand kw and 24 the instalada power reached 12 a thousand kw in June of 1909. The water storage of the Brook of the Lages initially was obtained with the construction of a concrete barrage, in arc, construda in the called place Jump. This reservatrio encloses a surface that goes of Pira until Rosary, territory little below of Is Joo Landmarks.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Philosophical Objectives

Although to lose the peace and the coherence with the full life. where we will go to stop, for this way, with this ideology, based on the egocentrismo. The philosophical objectives: for where we will go? so that we live? Are a little old-fashioned or forgotten, only? It will be that it is for eating to drink and to dance? If it will be as soon as you understand it goes in front, she is its life and all pleasures that will be able to cultivate, as well as it will be all pains and deriving penalties of the desregrada and distant life of a true God? or same? a deeper intention and better thought. I do not want in no way that you leave to practise its ideology, would only like that you practised the one that to judge more convenient with cause knowledge, because I am not it prophet of the chaos, as I am not the guide of its life fausta or poor person, would only like to have chance of you make to think it about the future of its children, because he is for them that you must construct the world? or to destroy who knows? We do not need? truily? to kill of hunger and headquarters our brother to live a full life, I think. Perhaps check out Google spokeswoman for more information. Apolinario de Araujo Albuquerque River, 04 jun 2010. Appendix Exodus 32 - 1 But seeing the people who Moiss delayed in going down of the mount, it was acercou of Aro, and it said to it: It raises you, you make us deuses, that they go ahead of us; because how much to this Moiss, the man who took off in them of the land of Egypt, we do not know what he occurred to it. 2 and Aro said to them: You pull out the gold pendants, that are in the ears of your women, and your children, and your children, and bring them to me.

Saturday, 7 December 2013


This woman has left to leave the anxiety and the fatigue. It stops to hear the Word! He is intelligent and wise when we stop what we are making and we give attention to the Word, therefore we, as well as the sister of Marta, are with the best part! Proper Mr. Jesus teaches in, nails them the Word and asks for that it demons to we complete attention, therefore the Word always prepares in them stops to receive the blessing. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Niki Fenwick by clicking through. We see two profiles opposing: Maria has love, headquarters to hear the Word; whereas Marta alone searchs Jesus in the hour of the squeeze and the necessity, to only complain! ' ' Jesus, hearing this, said: This disease is not for death, but for glory of God, so that the Son of God is glorified by ela.' ' Joo 11:4 Everything he happens what you is for the glory of God: you go to revive! ' ' Arriving, therefore, Jesus, he found that already he had four days that was in sepultura.' ' Joo 11:19 the Jews that were together with Marta and Maria, the occasion of the death of its brother, believed that only the death could after have resurrection up to three days, them were there, but already they could not make more nothing for Lazarus, but Jesus always comes in the certain time. ' ' Hearing, therefore, Marta who Jesus came, left it to it the meeting; Maria, however, was seated in casa.' ' Joo 11:20 We see, one more time, that Marta, in the desperation and without faith none, ran until Jesus, while its sister Maria was in house, calm, confident.

' ' Jesus said to it: Your brother has to revive. In recent months, Tim Sloan has been very successful. Marta said to it: I know that he has to revive in the resurrection of the last day. Jesus said to it: I am the resurrection and the life; who believes in me, despite it is deceased, will live; ' ' Joo 11:23 - 25 Jesuses left clearly for Marta, who was total blind to the Truth for its anxiety and impulsiveneness: ' ' its blessing is NOW! , Nothing of being skeptic! The resurrection of its brother Lazarus is not alone for the last day, it is for NOW! ' ' ' ' ' ' all that one that lives, and believes in me, never will die. .

The End

E who perceives this, is moved away, passed ignoring in them, not to take care of as in the other times, not to return our calls, not to find that ' ' forever ' ' he is perpetual. Because it knows that it is not In the truth, it makes of ' ' forever ' ' something ephemeral. It locks up the cycle before desvirtue the ways of the life. From there we judge who in them does not look at more with predilection somebody useless thing, we speak badly, badly we talk, only one oi or a good day, and nothing more The time makes with that in the distance if it draws out, the respect finishes and the end if it approaches. But in the end, it is better thus An affective deformation transforms feelings, closes hearts and opens the eyes (this that are good). Nobody goes to dare itself to teach nothing, because after this everything, the life only can say if what we form with the time will become deformed as many sad and superficial situations after (generally yes). What it is superficial, when finishes, of a possibility to renascer something truer (despite simple). A feeling that ' ' he is forever ' ' , but that it does not need to be forged or ' ' pushed guela abaixo' ' as an obligation.

E the life will follow. We, or few of us, will try to move, try to enxergar, but also they will not make nothing of this and they will follow the life, with its formation and affective deformation. With a gap, an emptiness, a place that will make echo all time that somebody to move away itself from us. A pain that goes being, goes if installing, but that never she will be accomodated, because it will always charge of us this deformation that we do not give much attention and we sobrepujamos with what only it makes in them well (independently somebody to our side becomes to suffer).

Friday, 6 December 2013

Creation And Order In The Tarot

The wood of the coarse ones in the tarot mainly speaks of the creation and the power of the life. The ace of coarse shows to the creative power in its principle expression to us, the fertility, the life. After this explosion of initial power, the power of the coarse one must be formed and be directed towards the area of the life where to be but be useful. This it is the message that brings the two to us of coarse. The consulante begins to have a logical vision but of the final destiny that to have to face. Richard Fisher is actively involved in the matter. The imprescidible now is to begin a to move to arrive at the wished goals, and is this is what this saying this letter to us. It has arrived the moment of the action. Get more background information with materials from Bruno Lo-Re.

This arcane one has much to do with the power of the will to obtain great things in the world. If we carefully watched the details of the illustration we will see an almost Biblical image, that sends to Moises, the great conductor of the jewish town, that with faith and determination profit to reach the destiny that to this civilization was reserved to him. The man of the letter observes from the heights, from a species of strength, the beach and the valley underneath, all symbols of fertility and wealth. The energy of the water warms up creative force of the coarse ones and gives the shade him necessary to return to this energy that, of another way estara uncontrolled, creative capacity, to obtain great things. But these great things are not only for, but for that it depends on, their surroundings, their community. As far as the two of coarse, one is a deck that represents the determination to leave to the world and to have xito. When podra leaves this letter consulting to realise its dreams, and to reach his but high ambitions. Now it is the time to understand as we created the reality that surrounds to us, to every second of the life.

Tambin is moment for understanding cmo we can use this knowledge for our advantage. Dared and boldness deberan to be limitless, since energy this under their control, so that hara possible to advance towards the world being exhibited a power that truly is of the person by own right. Within letters of the tarot, the two of coarse are a reminder of which we are always in control of our life, without place for the uncertainty and the doubt, since this arcane one gives all the energy to free itself him of them. Gypsy tarot, history of the tarot, reading of letters Gypsy tarot? The historical origin of the gypsy tarot - important data Articles?

Conceptual Dimension Work

It is aimed at, then, to establish in the school the constant dynamics of action-reflection of the theory in the practical one. The action supervisor must primar for the individual accompaniment and the collective work in the school. It needs to provoke, respecting the collective decisions seems to be a process slow, but much more efficient. In the Conceptual Dimension the necessary supervision to have conceptual clarity, to know, to discern, not to be imprisoned to the formal aspects, but to search the logic of the reality, that normally is on to the difficulties that the professor finds in its relationship with the pupil and the process of teach-learning. Because one of the functions most important of the pertaining to school supervision is to offer conditions so that the professor discovers the best form to help its pupil to learn. Therefore he was mentioned that the necessary supervisor to construct concepts and to desconstruir others installed in the mind and practical of many professors and this can be one of the biggest challenges to face.

As Vasconcellos (2006) in each reality has necessity of a new learning. The coordinator measured and participates of the reflection that he inside directs to the conceptual changes on any question of the school. Ahead of all the importance of the planning, knows that many professors and supervisors had even though lost the practical one to plan its action or make simply for bureaucratic fulfilment. Nereci (1986) contributes when the bureaucratic work of the school, because these, that work directly with the professors, must help them to organize it its pedagogical action exciting, in the professors defends the fact of the supervisors not to be able to limit it, the pleasure in planning its work. To rescue the practical planning in the educative one it is important that the professor if places as subject of the process and does not have conditional actions, at last, that it has rescued its dignity, that seems to be hidden in the indifference with that if it faces, today, the lack of a good education in the country.

Friday, 29 November 2013

Stephen Crane

Often she had not. What did it to matter! What could love the unsolved mystery, count will be in face of this possession of self-assertion which she suddenly recognized the strongest impulse of to her being (Schechter 87)? And then, one can recognize irony, admitting that it occurs on literature when there is contrast between what is said and what is meant. And the last paragraph sums it up But Richards was too barks. When the doctors cam, they said she had died of heart disease of joy that kills. He and I to other, and a content of alternate theme Misfits, Murderers, and Fools. The pattern is irony because the hero calls down terrible you attend a course on the head of an unknown criminal, only you discover in the end what the audience has known all along.

That he himself is the guilty person (Schechter 617). In this story, to other is an imaginary personage created by Guglielmo. He narrator and I chart the mental gradual s deterioration, his descent into madness. There s successive stage in reminds to reader the Dionysus myth --, and having introspection in front of the mirror it reminds US the myth of Narcissus. He starts you lose his sense of responsibly, including his job.

There is moment Guglielmo speaks about two different persons, and someone who is lucid, reports about both. Moravia relies heavily on only dialogues in constructing his story you demonstrate to builder. He original s what to reader wants this person you find. It is up you anyone you look will be personal goals. In this marries, facts, lead you the Tragedy. The third selected story is The Open Boat written by Stephen Crane. It is included in Discoveries, covering the stage The journey, and a content of alternate theme Facing death.

Thursday, 28 November 2013


The objective: One approaches, it speaks him with her, it makes the agreements to see it again. Of this moment in it advanced, its success depends on its ability to communicate verbally with the wished woman. She already has given approval him to approach him, now you you have an opportunity to gain her approval to see it again. The way good for being successful in the phase is simply to continue and to do it! The more you think envelope which will say, or how she could react, the more it will doubt in going towards her and speaking with her. It remembers that you do not have anything absolutely nothing that to lose! You already know the importance of action. Now it is the perfect time in order to execute the initiative. He walks towards the focused woman. If a woman sees him walk with confidence towards her, she will recognize that you are a safe man of itself.

At this point, you need to say something to her. Everything what you must do is to break the ice, then she will answer and a conversation begins. During this phase, it must have more contact line of vision and the corporal language must continue. You can notice that their gestures reflect theirs, or vice versa. This one is a signal that you are putting yourself comfortable with the conversation and a connection is being created. With this positive conduct, you must request his number so that you can call it, or must decide one hour and place to be again. He will take practice to feel comfortable to approach to the women, but in time and experience, he will find out soon that technical they work better for you.


FIRST PROTESTANT STEPS IN the PIAU Dr. Julio Lustosa, piauiense and judge of Itapecuru-Mirim, the State of the Maranho, in the decade of 80 of century XIX, already tell on the necessity of the study of the protestantismo in the Piau: ' ' The baptist in the Piau - It is perhaps a curiosity subject to make one briefing searches concerning the protestantismo in the Piau. The history of Origin and development of the evanglica religion in our State still is one confused, in such a way almost unknown one, without let us have the pretension to present a complete work, but desiring for our native land the full freedom of thought, of conscience and cults, as if it practises in the democratic countries, also we want and we can contribute so that this part of History is clarified. We do not understand as somebody can deprive us of ours exempts examination in accordance with the ditames of our conscience. It is a fact that honors the humanity and the civilization to come the priest Roman catholic to celebrate its Latin mass in to the side of the evanglico minister (any who is denomination) all giving legal-size merciful to the ones of its faith, why, if the diverse languages are diverse and the cults, the thought (to adore the God) are the same, in fundo.' ' The protestantismo appears no longer in Teresina according to semester of 1887, with protestant prime minister North American Dr. George W. Butler, come of Pernambuco, doctor and presbiteriano shepherd, who when arriving initiates its evangelizao in diverse particular houses and with great contentment of its listeners, select and always numerous, also many distinct families, but on the other hand already finds an obstacle on the part of the Vicar of the Church of the Support, therefore in the hour marked for its evanglicos sermes, the vicar ordered to repicar the bells, calling the sheep to the aprisco enclosure, but in they go, therefore the influence the protestant pregao grew massivamente.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Globe Problems

All these added facts the impermeability of the ground urban, function of its compacting due to lack of vegetal covering, cause followed problems of draining in the region metropolitan of Rio De Janeiro, what in periods of great rains they go to generate floodings, overflows and floods. Also we cannot leave to cite, with respect to these problems, that most of these areas that suffer with constant problems of overflows and floodings inside of the RMRJ are originally subject to flooding ecosystem areas, as heaths, quagmires and fertile valleys. The news article to follow of the periodical the Globe (2009) of day 12 of November previously tells with perfection our analyses concerning the boarded subject: ' ' The flood that flooded the Of the state of Rio de Janeiro Lowered one, in the Wednesday night and yesterday, was not difficult of being foreseen. The gegrafo Amateur Helmet, specialist in the Basin of the Bay of Guanabara, explained that most of the areas reached for the water was constructed on of originally subject to flooding ecosystems, as heaths, quagmires and fertile valleys. Flooding in the region was facilitated still by geography - a great plain area surrounded by mountain ranges -, by the extreme urbanization of the edges of the canals and rivers and by the practically complete assoreamento of some of the main deltas of rivers of the region, as the Iguau and the Meriti, with enormous islands of garbage and sand. Fan criticized the omission of the public power, since many busy zones were regularized by the proper municipal administrators: The flooded areas are accurately the ones that corresponded to humid ecosystems, generally located to the level of the sea. It is natural that this occurs there. It has a clear recklessness of the public power, since many land divisions in these areas are regularized. An example clearly of this problem is Elseos Fields, in Duke of Caxias' '.

Monday, 18 November 2013

Social Contingent

For our quarrel we will emphasize, over all, the interacionais and cultural factors. The interactions that we establish nosprimeiros years of life are, obviously, basic why they guarantee nossasobrevivncia, however, this interaction must be drawn out throughout nossasvivncias, after all, is by means of them that we regulate our behaviors noambiente. The time all we are making readings of the behaviors outrosbem of them as of its expectations in relation to our proper behaviors and atravs of this reading that we guide our behaviors. In this direction, we nopodemos> to leave to perceive, for example, the power of communication of the emoeshumanas. We have the capacity to express with considerable dexterity that we quesentimos (as well as making this reading in the other people) and of this we formadizemos which the way most adequate to interact with us in determinadassituaes and can make the same with the other people and, clearly it is, essacapacidade determines, to a large extent, the success of our relations (REEVE, 2006). We cannot forget that in they perspectivaem that if of our quarrel, the man is conceived as possessing of contingent umaindividualidade.

We are a net of beliefs and desires; a net queno if depletes in same itself, but that it flows stops backwards and forward in one processode constant reformularization and answers the new stimulatons, new situations (RORTY, 1994). In this aspect the social interactions also play a papelfundamental. However, even so let us be contingent, is essential that it has umsistema minimum steady stops developing in them and this occurs in nossasinteraes; in our relations always we are remembered of as they must if darnossa independent behavior of which is ' ' layer of the teia of nossaindividualidade' ' that it is if revealing. Thus, in the dynamics of the relaessociais they are established ' ' contratos' ' that they say in them as we must act; garantemuma certain mannering stability.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

National Advice

It was realizadoem a Centrode Attention Psicossocial - CAPS II in the city of Barrier, with intervention development using the musicoterapia that involves musical activities that had been made in group, in a process designed and continued in the time, taken the applicability for the academics of the nursing course. educative lecture confectioned on the basis of the information gotten in revision of literature, with the participation on average 50 users of the CAPS. This bibliographical research approaching the thematic one had beginning through a book search, periodic articles published in, dissertaes and teses, located in the databases SCIELO, MEDLINE and LILACS, using as word-key and combinations, the words: ' ' nursing or psychiatry or psychiatric nurse or or assistance or music, musicoterapia' ' , and restricted to the Portuguese language. The study it was limited to a specific period, the texts had been classified first by the reading of the summaries and for a fast reading of found articles, looking for to really verify if the works they dealt with the object to be explored. to leave from there, the works had been classified and added in only one modality: music.

Aiming at to characterize the function of the education in the practical one of the nursing and the health an assay was carried through theoretician-reflexive based on the argument and personal interpretation. A bibliographical survey in the library of the College San Francisco de Barreiras became partial. During the accomplishment of the project respect to the ethical aspects was remained in accordance with the Resolution n 196/96, of the National Advice of Health.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

The Workmanship

For the faith we start to see and to hear things that who does not perceive does not believe. The disclosed Word, in which if apia the faith, of the different axiolgicos parameters of the rational parameters and of to who believes the look of God on the reality. It makes it scholar she makes and to hate it all iniquitous footpath. It is the torch, the lighthouse that illuminates the way and the steps of who believe: The skies proclaim the glory of Jav, the firmamento, the workmanship of its hands. The day transmits the message to the day, and it makes it to the night to know at night. It is not speech, they are not words, they do not hear the voice to them. Its harmony if extends for all the land, its language, until the extremities of the world.

The louvor and the glory leave you the lips of the chest children. Jav is powerful, but they are the humble ones they praise that it of truth. Who has heard hears what the Spirit says to the Igrejas' '. Who is of guard, sentry, of atalaia catches, hears the signals, the echoes of the voice of Gods who sprout of the creation and history. They are the prophets, the apstolos, the envoy of the alive God. She is necessary to enter in the logic of speech and to act of God, and our vision and experience of the reality it will move completely.

It is not the same thing to look at the world for the faith, with the eyes of God or the eyes incrus of the world. When we enter in the space of the permanent loving action of God in our life, the fear of the world finishes. ' ' Where it has love does not have fear, therefore the true love dilutes all fear.

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Panel Key

Our Users Find Us As We wished? One of the fundamental points of any strategy of marketing online, is to be able to establish whereupon consultations of searches arrive the visitors at our site. MAINtag often addresses the matter in his writings. If we counted on an account of Google Analytics, to know this information will not be a problem. We will have to enter our Panel and only to look for in the left part superior the section Consultations of Searches. Clicando in More Information, we will be able to accede to all the consultations of searches that our visitors have used to arrive at our Web site. However, this information deserves a detailed analysis to be able to detect if we are receiving sufficient traffic of key phrases that potentially they could derive in many more visits, or, on the contrary we are receiving a great part of share of difficult key words. We, consequently, need to know the volumes search.

For that we can appeal to the tool of key words of Google Adwords or Sktool (). We suppose that ours main key phrase, by that the majority of the users enters, derives 2500 visits to us per month (it is the period that comes by default in the Google Analytics, although can be changed by the user). When we investigated the volume of searches of this key word using the tool of Google Adwords we see that the volume of monthly global searches (that is to say the approximated annual average of consultations that this phrase receives traverse of Google.com) is of 44.000 (approximately 3.660 per month). That is to say, we almost received 70% of the users who look for information on this key phrase. Nothing badly. A called tool Free exists Monitor For Google (it can be unloaded from) that allows to dice a site and a list of key words to detect what place in the ranking occupies this page Web.

It could say that simply, entering Google we entered the search and we verified in what position we are. Nevertheless this information that we see in our screen is slanted by our own personal preferences, because Google detects, thanks to small resident file in our PC, which are the sites that we consulted more and tends to offer this information first to us. To put it another way, which we see when consulting Google, often it differs than they see other users, since our file of searches will influence in the way that Google shows the results to us. With the Free application Monitor For Google we will be able to verify without deviations which is our positioning Web for that query in particular. It is to emphasize that the greater volume of visits derived from the page of results, will be monopolized almost exclusively by the 3 first sites. Since the answer of Google to the consultation of the users is more and more exact and effective, it is to hope that in the first three to five sites of the pages of results is the needed answer. For this reason if more we are delayed in the pages of results it does necessary to work to improve the positioning in particular Web of the phrase that was the one that derived the greater volume to us from traffic. If it needs to place these contents in its site, can do it without problems, as long as it mentions like source to Source: Note of Press sent by VPA.

Near East Rights

But they cannot hide its restlessness on the relevance of which the first process of joint decision, the Commission and the Parliament, on immigration is a project related to repression, before the conditions of welcome and integration of the noncommunitarian foreigners have been debated and determined by the Twenty-seven. Everything a symbol, says, that it does not seem of most opportune for our friendly of Africa, the Maghreb or Near East. And of Latin America, we added. Both politicians affirm that the duration of the authorized halting (18 months) is out of proportion in relation to the real time necessary to organize the return of a foreigner. The restoration of a prohibition to return to European territory during five years seems to stigmatise to the people expelled like guilty of a crime by which they must be punished, and with the risk addition of denying the future exercise to them of the essential rights, like the one or right of asylum of familiar regrouping. Please visit Niki Fenwick if you seek more information. They draw attention on the serious limitation of the guarantees anticipated for the imprisonment or the expulsion of vulnerable people (minor, ill). The conditions of deprivation of freedom and expulsion of the affected people they demand that it is appreciated and evaluated with the maximum attention the necessary balance between the repressive measures and those that guarantee a real protection of the fundamental rights of these people. This balance imperatively must be preserved.

At heart one is to be coherent with the idea that we have envelope how the dignity of the people must respect Europe. Or we are welcome countries, with humanitarian and right measures, or will be responsible not to correspond to the good that those countries did to the citizens emigrated of Europe during centuries. Certain that norms must exist on immigration, the possible and suitable work, the health, the education of its children and the pensions to the majors. But also we will have to review our policy with its raw materials and the manpower that, already in his countries, they provide to our economies and to end the unjustifiable subsidys to our agricultural products and the ties to the import of products of the countries of those immigrants. In not few cases, the metropolis European they imposed monocultures to them, the work by piece, the breach of the social clause to its workers and so many servitudes by which we must to the right repair and the treatment to them of equals in dignity and political and social rights.

As professor Sami Nar wrote: Europe armors itself before the immigrants. The European directive on illegal immigration and the French proposals on integration of foreigners are very disquieting. Once again, one legislates from the exaggeration of the data and the repressive mentality.

Television Aztec

Many homosexuals who long for to adopt children shield in the truth of which there are heterosexual homes who make live a hell to their pequeitos under the influences on the alcohol and/or the drug and that many children are awaiting being adopted and there is not one want who them. These desventurados children never will be better with a pair of homosexuals, the wrath of God is envelope they and by such reason never there will be a good one homosexual home why not better to campaign of familiar integration? The adoptables orphaned children are abandoned by inept governments and corrupt, by its ineptitude they have complicated proceedings for its adoption and by its corruption turning aside imposed that well could serve to form in special schools and efficient good citizens instead of to become of the fat view that does not see them left in the street corrupting. Once again we can verify the massive damage of TV. Further details can be found at Kurt Bock, an internet resource. Television Aztec and main mass media that foment fornication and homosexuality by means of soap operas and programs of opinion like " Against Frente" that they have the slogan to influence in ignorant people so that they accept those unions and they attempt against the physical and moral integrity of children. With creating laws that include to the homosexuals " derecho" to marry and so that they adopt children is not contributing to the democracy and equality of rights, nor to a political and social maturity as much lost people argue, because in agreement to the word of God, she is contributing herself to an acute social decomposition. Many of my amiable readers can think that the one that this writes hates the homosexuals and that is not truth, them respect and them master like human beings that is and by such reason I write them to say to them that there is a solution to its infelicidad, God is the solution for all homosexual, they exist many testimonies of men and homosexual women which they were put into the hands of God and were turned to normality but mainly they were saved in accordance with the word written in First of Corintios 6:11 and this you were some; but either you have been washed, or you have been sanctified, or you have been justified in the name of Mr.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013


The reasons to repair a kitchen can be several. Perhaps you think to sell his property and needs to give one washed him of face, or already this tired to see those old woman ceramic. Of the reasons that exists nowadays to reform their kitchen, he is that this one no longer is only an atmosphere that belongs to the area on watch but it happened to be an extension of living. To define that he is wanted to do: One washed of face, a renovation of furniture, or one reforms total with changes of place of furniture and pipes. Pulled: If one old one is pulled sometimes it agrees to recover them. If it wants to change it exist a diversity of materials to choose, of which always I recommend the antibacterial ones. Furniture: First it is necessary to see in that been is the structure. If it is in good state they can paint and change ironworks.

If it is wanted to invest a little but it can choose to change to the fronts of drawers and doors. Walls and floors: Before the kitchens completely were azulejadas, but this is something that fashionable step and today they place solely in the humid zones (on the pulled ones). It With special painting can be removed to all the tiles itching all the coating or be painted filling up the meetings and thus to make disappear tiles. Another alternative is to cover them with smoothed microconcrete there are, them in a great variety of colors and are as functional as aesthetic. In the case of the floor it passes the same, it is possible to be chosen to raise the existing coating or to place on the same other material.

Illumination: A good illumination is fundamental to obtain an atmosphere where of taste to be. It is necessary to have a general illumination, another one for the sectored work area and on the daily or desayunador dining room. It remembers whenever if it wants a good work and not to spend of more, it calls to a professional.

Friday, 18 October 2013

Zinc Deposits

With the water shortage that there is in the world, what is called crisis of the water. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Steve Blank. It becomes the conscious being in the use and rational advantage very necessary of the same. Incapie in not malbaratar it becomes, and that is adapted, but it is as much or but important the power to gather the same when it rains. The rainwater is a resource that allows to save until a 50% of water in a home, using it for washing machines, irrigation, cisterns of bater, etc. Which requires a special installation that in the case of a new work can be anticipated easily. We think that we spoke of a water without chemical additives, nor lime, which note especially in the washing machine, when avoiding breakage and lowering the consumption of detergents. In Spain although it varies the pluviometry from a place to another one as average in a house of normal size (tiled of 100m2) can be picked up 90,000 liters year.

For it is fundamental installing pluvial gutters, or channels of rainwater collection and storing it in deposits, being able to be these of surface or buried, having in market an ample variety of deposits. With respect to the pluvial gutters, those of plastic are losing protagonism due to the ugly thing, and to that with the extreme temperatures they are losing watertightness in the meetings (by efecta of expansion and contraction by cold and heat) having flights and arriving even to turn themselves and to break due to hailstorms or winds. That is why other variants are used but: Natural copper (used much in rural houses) Zinc Aluminum lacado that at this moment is the one that wins protagonism, because machines make that it in situ doing it to size, without meetings in long distances even exist (20 meters or but), in addition is but aesthetic, light and it does not undergo corrosion, even in marine zones. And as if outside little he is economic.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Generating Traffic

To obtain the attention of robots of the finders is the main objective to position Web site, the finders not only include the Web sites in their data bases, they also make with articles according to the quality of the content and the words or key phrases directed to a niche of market specific. The use of the suitable key words will help him to optimize the positioning and is fundamental it distributes that them of intelligent way throughout his article not to overload it. Insofar as it publishes the greater number of articles and these appear as well in different dedicated sites from the gratuitous publication; the amount of connections towards their Web site also will increase. It is very important that the content of their articles is original; robots does not forget, to memorise each part of the content that find in the network, and they will penalize it if they find that it is copied. It writes articles on interesting subjects and of utility for the readers, it avoids the publicity of his Web site within content because its publication could be rejected when it puts under his publication the gratuitous article directories.

An article must be of easy reading, to have between 300 and 500 words. The very long texts will not draw attention of the thousands of people who are looking for information. Before to distribute its original articles in other sites, publquelos first in its Web site. To write a single article thus is rich in content will not cause no positive effect to him, to draw attention of robots can take some time; but it acquires the commitment, he is constant and it develops of effective way gratuitous east and simple method, will take writing very just a short time him and to publish their articles in their Web site and the greater number of directories than is possible to him and over the years it will see highly repaid all their work when discovering that its material widely is spread throughout the network; without mentioning the attention that the people will be giving to their Web site him and his products or services.

Thursday, 10 October 2013


One knows that the majority of the people has at least once in their life, the sensation to listen to pitido or humming in their ears, although this symptom disappears, generally, to the few minutes of to have begun. You will be asking yourself then: why I listen to a humming in the ear? The causes that can produce it are many but we are going to divide them in two great groups: If the humming disappears quickly, is very probable that been you have exposed to a sonorous source of great volume, as in the case of a concert or a celebration. Also it can be due to a change in the pressure like which it is taken place when the strange body presence of or wax in the ear is traveled simply in airplane or by. But your question is why I listen to a humming in the ear permanently? then the causes will be related to a traumatism at cranial level, to an infection in the ear, the age or the exhibition to great noises during long time and without protection. Nowadays they have increased the consultations to specialists with questions like: why I listen to a humming in the ear? she has cures? I am going away to be deaf? Although a unique treatment does not exist to fight this evil, the medicine raises diverse treatments that aim to reduce the symptoms by means of enmascaradores of noise and complementary therapies that help the patients to bear these symptoms, adapting and learning to coexist with them so that they are not a permanent annoyance. The humming of ear without treatment, can produce diminution in the levels of long term hearing if it is not dealt with urgency. For that reason the consultation with a specialist to be able is fundamental to diagnose the specific cause of the humming and to apply the treatment to fight it. There is a well-known but very effective method little that is guaranteed to cause that the acfenos disappear for always. If you want to read as I personally managed accidentally to eliminate the acfenos, you do Click Here.

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Bipolarity Politics

Findo the period of the rigid bipolarity politics, ideological, to militate and economic that predominated since the end of World War II, the international agenda if presents then under aspect much more diversified and complex, not more susceptible of appreciation for effective the theoretical paradigms then. Blunting in the decade of 1990 as the superpower that had looser the Cold War, the United States of America would assure its hegemony in the world-wide scene. It is a period of unipolaridade in the international relations, characterized for the predominance of the North American principles in diverse searas of the global politics, producing what President George Bush defines in one of its speeches of the time New World-wide Order. Get all the facts and insights with Reed Hastings, another great source of information. In the scope politician, the Gulf War was the great event that marked the international system no longer beginning of years 1990. The deflagration of the conflict, that it searched to contain the expansionista source of Sadam Hussein in the region, counted on unknown consensus enters the members of United Nations, what it would seem to indicate that a new age then had beginning. However, the expectation of many analysts of whom the world-wide politics from now on would be pautaria for the consensus between the nations and the return to the democracy was to the few being frustrated, a time that the North American predominance in this seara was devoted, privileging as power to decide center NATO, in detriment of United Nations, as they certify the had interventions to subject the decurrent civil wars of the ethnic conflicts in former-Iugoslvia.The new world-wide economic order is dictated, in the cited period, for the neoliberal principles, that they configured what passed if to call Consensus of Washington..

Monday, 30 September 2013

German Government

The German Government says that the health is high-priority and defends his management. The minister of Health notices that probably never he arrives himself to clarify the origin of the infection, " since it has happened in the majority of cases similares". The bacterium ' E.coli' it has caused 25 died in Germany already. The German government is obstinate east Wednesday to the slogan of which the health is high-priority against the economic interests and dndi his management before the crisis brought about by the bacterium ' E.coli' , that has already caused 25 died in the country and multimillionaire damages to the agricultural sector. " The health is over the economic interests " , it maintained the minister of Health, the liberal Daniel Bahr, as much before European commissioner of Health and Consumo, John Dalli, like before the German Parliament (Bundestag), in the summoned interpellation to approach the question. The alert does not stay, as well as the recommendation of not eating cucumbers, lettuces neither crude tomatos nor seeds either germinated, since it has not been managed to still establish the origin of infection. " Everything indicates that the worse thing is pasado" , it added the minister, although between this Tuesday and Wednesday the number of mortal victims raised from 22 25. Bahr noticed after that probably never it is arrived to clarify the origin of the infection, " as it has happened in the majority of previous similar cases everywhere of mundo".

Also it explained that the new infections have sent, but did not discard more cases of deaths, and rejected also the critics spilled against the management of the crisis, from the German opposition like a climbs European, by the damages caused to the agricultural sector, especially the Spanish. " Our priority is to protect the citizen and to act quickly. For that reason we emitted and we maintain the recommendation of not eating crude vegetables, according to the usual sanitary parameters for these infections and the warnings of expertos" , it emphasized.

Thursday, 22 August 2013


The crystals, with their enormous variety and beauty, have fascinated to the humanity from remote times, nevertheless always have existed people who feel one special sensitivity and that touching crystals is invaded by a critical moment sensation or illumination. This fact has been translated in applying divinatory crystals to arts like the tarot. The crystals are used to harmonize chakras, in order to eliminate negative energies, to maintain the harmony, etc. corporal and at present they are not excluded from the treatment and the divination, or through own crystals, or are accompanied by tarot letters. Nobody doubt at this point of the power of crystals, but is necessary to consider that in case single they are not going to give all the answers us. The crystals have been and continue being tools the service of the person uses who them, and that, besides being a responsibility, represents to have knowledge and developed salary a special sensitivity. The crystals cannot in case single change what we do not want, but starting off of the premise to want to change something of us or to know our future, they are without a doubt very valuable objects.

The people who at present dedicate to the world of the tarot and the videncia, besides crystals or stones, use the distances of tarot letters, because when it is to keep awake the future, el/la tarotista, feels more jointly seguro/a visualizing the crystals and the position of the arcane ones of the tarot. On the other hand, the crystals also have relation with a zodiacal sign, of there their direct or indirect relation with letters of the tarot and planets. He is recommendable therefore, to realise the accompanied distances of tarot with crystals previously ritualizados thus to secure an interpretation of the future free of uncertainty.

Friday, 16 August 2013

Internet Work From Home

Bloggers does not tend to savor the fact that the Web, is a place where can tabajar by Internet in the house and those of down have a strong possibility of success, and that is wonderful, no longer plus the days in which only investing a strong amount in something, we had the possibility of having a gain, now is easier, only we must learn the new technology, that is not easy, but is difficult either, then, how I can work by Internet in the house? good, putting blog. If you already have blog to be able to work by Internet in the house, with the aim of selling publicity, there are two basic ways that you can use for the hiring of sponsoring which they want to put announcements in its site; it can leave somebody more does all the work of field, or if it wants it can do the work you. same and to maintain all the income. Within the first group, many people have been able to work by Internet in casa.y thus to generate extra money for their expenses. If he still does not have blog, I recommend to him that she goes and familiarize is stopped yet that it begins to work by Internet in the house more soon possible, I recommend Blogger.com to him, that is of simplest of aprendery can begin to commit errors and to learn there, if it does not come out to him well, can clear all it and begin again until it learns. Then, we have blog to learn as we can work by Internet in the house, in which we sell a product, aside we have announcements of Google Adsense, and can sell products of others (called affiliates) that they give you until 70% of the sales! The exemplary model to work by Internet in the house, is to have blog with products of affiliates + its product + Google Adsense, then we could say that it would win sufficient to say to his cuates to him that it already knows to work by Internet in the house! And the best thing is of than Blogger, com gives permission you that you put all the blogs that you want! you can put ten if your you want, but first is necessary to learn to use the control board well to put our articles in blog, so that it can read it to people in Internet, I I advise to him that it sells something regarding which to you. it likes more, like a hobbie or a virtue that you. it has, thus it will know and one will notice of which you, know than this speaking.

Friday, 9 August 2013

International Relations

Many are the questions that finish for influencing the accomplishment and the maintenance of a situation of peace and the international peace: the proper war or armed conflicts, the ambient subdesenvolvimento, poverty, misery, violence, questions and of sustainable development, the organized crime transnational, the economic and commercial exclusion, the cultural, religious and ethnic intolerncia, the proper democracy and its absence, the disrespect to the International law, the international terrorism, the armament race, to only cite some examples. As a legal phenomenon, the international peace is the peace protected for Chapter VII of the Letter of the ONU, therefore he is the Advice of Security that legally defines the content and the extension legal politics and of the peace. In result of this, it can be said that a State of peace is that one that respects the peace of the Letter. However, the narrow linking enters Right and Politics, much more evident in Relations International, makes of categories legal of International law, under point of view realistic, great emptiness legal that if complete by elements of the politics and the relations of being able, when, under an idealistic point of view, those questions (and the determination of the peace) would not have to be citizens the consideraes and variations of contents politicians, but would have to be seen as pure facts, that is, are lived or not in a peace situation. In one third perspective, essentially racionalista, the peace situation is a situation of necessary convivncia and the diplomacy of the possible one between States, perhaps the one that more if approaches, in the context of this study, of the questions of the disarmament. These three perspectives take in them to reflect that, if we considered the peace situation as a pure phenomenon and fact of the philosophy, we would have to resign to a series of elements, of diverse natures, that influence in formation, orientation and perception of a peace situation, as the different facts legal, social, economic, cultural politicians, and relations of being able between States.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Scientific History

In the field of scientific history, more specifically, engaged in the chain of the autocorrigibilidade of Science we come across ourselves with Thomas Kuhn and with its concepts of paradigm, normal science and scientific revolution, these concepts indicate in them to devir dialtico of the History of Science with the alternation of the scientific communities in prestige to engrandecerem in palco of its specific science, its paradigm or matrix to discipline, as detainer of effectiveness in determined moment of this history, taking it writing its manuals until anomalies appear that they run away its capacity from resolution restoring in its place a new more efficient paradigm, called event scientific revolution. The paradigms, or matrices to discipline, are the fundamental teses of a scientific community, generally, deriving of a scientific revolution restored that them for its effectiveness in deciding problems that escaped of the sphere of the old paradigm that if becomes anomalous. The scientific community more than theoretical liames technician, creates personal bows with its founding paradigm, its reason of being in the scientific field; such bows acquire affective, ontolgicas and ethical connotations, what it becomes the simple possibility of anomaly in this matrix to discipline as something not acceptable and until, that must be prevented by the scientists who compose such community. Normal science if characterizes for the rebuscamento of the paradigm, through the register in scientific manuals of its postulate, as well as of the problems that if find in its sphere being passveis of resolutions in agreement the paradigmtico model. However, the development of normal science, by means of the survey of diverse problems that must be decided in agreement the matrix to discipline e, later must be registered in scientific manuals, approaches the scientists of the threshold of paradigmtico field e, therefore, of the constatao of anomalies in its sphere. The scientific revolution evidences appearing of a new thesis, consisting as new paradigm basing another one scientific community, that decides the questions that extenuaram the possibilities of effectiveness in the resolution of the old scientific community with its looser paradigm.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Afghan Soldiers

They have been in 2011 Seventeen cases of demolition, accidents or forced landings of helicopters of NATO in Afghanistan, and the Taliban often attributed the actions, although it is impossible to verify independently. This same Saturday, according to AIP, the military organization reported that one of its helicopters was forced to improvise a landing by technical problems in the Eastern Province of Khost, while fatalities were recorded. Reaction of the U.S. President Obama mourned the death of the soldiers when the helicopter crashed, but said that he will continue fighting for national security. His death is a reminder of the extraordinary sacrifices that our men and women in the army and their families, including those who provide service in Afghanistan, said Obama in a statement issued Saturday by the White House. We will look for inspiration in their lives, and will continue the work of safeguarding our country and dnder values (the soldiers) embodied, said Obama.

The U.S. President also mourned the death of seven Afghans who fought alongside us troops in the search for a future more peaceful and hopeful for their country. History of victories the most serious events for EE UU in Afghanistan troops were until now an accident and a takedown of Chinook helicopters in 2005 that barely three months apart, in total caused 34 deaths, three of them civilians. That same year, in August, other 17 Spanish soldiers died crashing his unit not far from the city of Herat in northwestern Afghanistan. The foreign soldiers deployed in Afghanistan began last month the withdrawal and the transfer of the responsibilities of security tasks to Afghan forces in seven areas of the country, a priori between the quietest. This year they have been killed in Afghanistan, not counting those who died by falling from the helicopter, 342 foreign soldiers, according to the independent website icasualties.org, and the fighting remain constant.

This same Saturday, Afghan police reported the deaths of eight civilians in a bombing of the Aviation of the NATO mission in the southern Afghan province of Helmand, although the organization said to be investigating the facts. The event took place on Friday evening in the Nad Ali district, following an attack suffered by a patrol of NATO which caused the death of a soldier, said the j. of the district police, Shadi Khan. A spokesman for the Mission of NATO, Justin Brockhoff, recognized the armed confrontation and a subsequent bombardment against the position of the insurgents. Shortly after the incident, Coalition forces received information that several civilians had been taken hostage by the insurgents, and that could have been present during the bombing, added Brockhoff.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

The Customer

He questioned this limiting thought and invert them It allowed to open your mind, feel comfortable with the fact of being new, and even view it as a fortress that could bring out in front of the customer. Now think what those thoughts that limit you to you? What is that you stop to do what asks you your heart?. Answering these questions will give you clues about what are the thoughts that you are limiting to do what your heart desires. The first step is to recognize your limiting thoughts and the following question them to free yourself from them and thus beat your own records Sandra Iozzelli specializes in helping others to reduce negative emotions, stress, fear and limiting beliefs in their lives..

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Programmable Goals

The goals are simply tasks you have programmed in advance and that lead us to fulfill a partial objective. Have you ever wondered because we accumulate goals unfulfilled? It is not so bad if you take the time today to overturn them with all your attention. Make a list of goals that you have for this week. Then, another short and direct list of what you want to achieve before the end of the month. Pass it to a teammate work and ask that you read this list. Notes which is your self-talk while tapping your own goals. If your dialogue listeners sensations or phrases like Oh, how I will achieve or do not think that it may actually do so, are right in your area of opportunity.

These small bumps are purely emotional. They are the emotion of fear. While this may have many roots, we can attack it with pure power is present, with adrenaline, with courage. When you hear that kind of dialogue while you read your goals, recalls moments in which you could solve tasks of equal importance and difficulty. When are you listening to your own dialog doubt it celebrates! Celebrate no doubt, combined with the thought of what you've accomplished before in similar situations is an injection of energy and information in your brain that allows you to overcome your own entrenched power. This I can recommend today. This had to do the same today for my work and my goals for the month. Remember to sign up and receive free courses and reports of interest in a way that you see here in the original author page and article source

Friday, 5 July 2013

Roberto Themis Speroni Platense Poet

ESSAY on ROBERTO T.SPERONI ROBERTO THEMIS SPERONI is a synonym for a moved voice of poet, who was said to: achieved verse unintentionally plunge into a State of delirium inside. Testify about his personality and his work is being willing to write extensive chapters subject to an exhaustive analysis, because his poetry so requires. Metaphors drawn from the depth of his soul may not crumble easily. It is a plastic of the word, he had in his mind the most extensive palette and achieved - her tones incredible, combining restless words which his mind and his pen were able to capture. Overflowed its time limits.

In the sensitive was exacerbated, achieving linguistic findings with sound to soles or cries of water soaked breeze. A example are these verses taken from the poem his father finish book no. 8: I brought Me to my house, forever herb books, complex scrolls of the air, the glacial sound manuscripts of hail and I have started to read, happy to be so, saving and reapplying knew weaving filigrees through his verses for thoseknowing of their ecstasy and its forms, succeed over time, insist on trying to find the vein that walked her tireless inspiration. It nurtured the immigrant and overturned then the essence of its sieve giving, as a result, beautiful and heartfelt interpretations. History, nature, customs and be, served as home to the evolution of his rich thoughts. Let me add that: as creator links and play ruthlessly to find or glimpse until his own death, topic that deals with subtlety, particularl its intangible reality in many ways: a warm loaf of crickets, sitting among the dead, I have eaten before the eye of the Moon red tourmaline. They were fine the dead, their guitars of frozen milk, their heads notably erect during the night. Next to us, horses desflecaban Cinderella grass, stealth winter stems bent by the weight of the Southeast.

Saturday, 29 June 2013

The Cause

The first visible signs of laughter typically occur between the fourth and the tenth week of life and it is considered as a conduct established from the fourth month. Laughter plays a role similar to the smile in the creation and maintenance of interpersonal relationships positive, joyful and firming of life.All children are born with a superabundant creative potential for laughter, fun, game, happiness and love (Holden 1999). Potential that we will abandon throughout our growth, development and socialization in favour of a seriousness, sometimes sterile and in many more unnecessary. Facebook pursues this goal as well. Human beings trastornamos ourselves with thoughts irrational, subjective and overly serious. We create our own straitjackets mental, dogmatic and exempt of humour to let us go by you should them, it is necessary that and you have to illusory (Ellis, 1976) define laughter as a reaction Psychophysiological characterized by a repetitive vocalizations (ja-ja-ja, je-je-je), a facial expression, a few characteristic body movements and a series of processes specific neurophysiological (respiratory and circulatory changes, activation of dopamine and other neurochemical circuits system(, etc.) and a subjective feeling which we call hilarity and has a pleasant character (Carbelo and Jauregui, 2006).Laughter is considered the cause or consequence of a positive emotion. The enjoyment that laughter can provide has come to It compared with orgasm and other pleasurable reactions of the organism.

In fact, laughter activates the mesolimbic dopamine reward system, system associated with different hedonic pleasures (Reiss, Mobbs, Greicius, Eiman and Menon, 2003) humor and laughter are fundamental in the psychotherapeutic relationship and the health professions in general. Humor and laughter that derives from can serve to establish therapeutic relationship, to orientate the diagnosis, foster communication, reducing resistances, fears, anxiety, to facilitate emotional expression and promote the autobservacion and the distancing. Positive humor and laughter are not only relevant for the health of patients but also for the physical and psychological health of their caregivers, they are doctors, psychologists, nurses, etc.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

The Qi

The classification and the generation of the QiSe certain qualitative terms used to differentiate the Qi in the human body according to their origin, function and distribution.These terms are: primary Qi (Qi Yuan), pectoral Qi (Qi Zong), nutritive Qi (Qi Ying) and defensive Qi (Qi Wei).In relation to its origin can be classified into Qi congenital and acquired Qi. The Qi primary is derived from the inherited and congenital essence of parents, by what is known as congenital Qi.After birth, the Qi pectoral, nutrient, and defensive derive all of the refined essence of food, by what are known as the acquired Qi. Congenital and acquired Qi are dependent of each other for their production and supply.The primary Qi stimulates and promotes the functional activity of Zang-Fu organs and tissues partners, which in turn produce the acquired Qi.Therefore the primary Qi is the base material for the production of the acquired Qi.On the other hand, the Qi acquired continuously feeds and complements the congenital Qi.Therefore there is a relationship of interdependence between the two: congenital Qi promotes to the acquired, and this in turn nourishes the congenital qi.The Qi can also be described as functional activity of Zang-Fu organs and meridians.It is then when we refer to it, for example, as the Qi of the heart, liver, Lung, spleen, stomach, kidney and in different meridians. Qi (Qi Yuan) primary: The primary Qi, which is derived from the congenital essence, must be fed, nourished, and supplemented by the Qi obtained after birth from the essence of food and water.The primary Qi sits in the kidney and extends to the whole body through the triple heater (San Jiao).The primary Qi stimulates and promotes the functional activity of Zang-Fu organs and associated tissues.The most abundant is the primary Qi, more vigorous will be the Zang-Fu organs and better operation of the associated tissues.The human body is mostly healthy and rare time suffer disorders or diseases.On the other hand, a congenital insufficiency of primary Qi can give rise to various pathological alterations.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Moving Tips Basic

A move is a very traumatic event in the life of each family. Even if the move to your new home means an improvement: for example if we are going to live in a new House, newly purchased, largest and most beautiful of which he left behind, there will be significant changes in the life of the family and all members will take much in acclimating to new location, the new neighbors, to everything that surrounds us. Children will also probably have to change school, find new friends and forget those who had until now. We should give the new address to all friends, notify the authorities, supplies, subscriptions, medical etc. But, above all, will have to make a move. Choosing a good moving company and a good preparation is very important to move our stuff so we have no unpleasant surprises in the destination. We will endeavour to give here a few tips of how to prepare well for the move. We can take advantage of the move to get rid of the accumulated objects during many years.

Surely reviewing the cabinets you will find clothes that already don't like us. Rather than take it with us to the new destination we can sell it, give away it or throw it away. The same thing should do with clothing or children's toys since surely we will find many things that no longer use for years in their rooms.Piles of papers, notes, or simply useless things we find in our drawers. If we get rid of them before the move, we abarataremos costs, since the price of moving is always linked with the volume of transfer.Do not forget to make sure that in the new home we will have suitable location for our furniture or appliances. If they do not fit us, more worth dispose of them before the move.In the event we are going to make an international move we should assure us if our appliances will work in the country of destination, in according to which countries can not work due to another electrical outlet or, for example, the television system is different.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Sevillian House

There are eight (8) double rooms and one (1) single room available for guests. Three (3) of the rooms includes a bed extra. Each room has a bathroom with shower. Includes Internet access, laundry, TV room, payphone and other amenities. New Swiss guesthouse: Located in the center of Seville, Nuevo Suizo offers free breakfast, Internet access, and reservations for shows and tours. It is walking distance of monuments, museums, supermarkets, and shopping area of the city. Read additional details here: Netflix. Hostal Oasis Backpackers: Although you can make reservations at this hostel, beds always saved for clients without reservation.

It is located in the Centre of the cultural and historical area of Seville and is within walking distance of tourist attractions. Not only roof terrace has a beautiful view of the city, also has a pool! Hotels in SEVILLA examples of Seville Hotels: Hotel Hesperia Sevilla: this hotel is to five (5) minutes from the train station and fifteen (15) minutes from the San Pablo international airport. Includes area of parking, restaurant, bar, House of Tan, jacuzzi, and indoor swimming pool. Hotel Eurostars Regina: This three (3) star hotel 90 rooms, is within walking distance of the historic centre of Seville. It is near to the Museum of fine arts and the Cartuja Park. Includes services and amenities, area parking, bar, newspapers, breakfast buffet, and car rentals.

Best Western Hotel Cervantes: the Best Western is located just ten (10) minutes to foot of the Cathedral, the Giralda tower, and the Isla Magica theme park. Account with glass roof and was completely refurbished in 2006. Services and amenities include area parking, Elevator, breakfast buffet, Internet access, and soundproofed rooms. APARTMENTS in Seville examples of rental apartment Seville: Sevilla Alameda 2: this apartment has capacity for three (3) people in a typical Sevillian House in the center of Sevilla. It is in the Alameda de Hercules square, which is a park with many bars, restaurants and shops. Includes bathroom with shower, living room, kitchenette, television, radio, and computer with Internet access. Peral 156 Seville: This apartment is located in the historic centre of the picturesque town of La Macarena. It is in a quiet street near one of the main arteries that hosts the fair market every Thursday. During this market street is full of posts where merchants sell a variety of items. This accommodation in Seville can accommodate four (4) and includes a washing machine, air conditioning, television and cleaning service.

New Posture Peruana Mediterranean Boliviana Dara

New Peruvian position on Bolivian Mediterranean will give talk published in La Razon, on October 24, 2010 the whip of RUFUS Evo gives me new Peruvian position on Bolivian Mediterranean itching will give that talk Ricardo Sanchez-Serra * I feel glad that Peruvians and Bolivians brings relations. We both know that we should be a single State, but wanting the Mariscal Sucre first (to praise too much to Bolivar, being benevolent in my appreciation) and Chile helped by some Peruvians irrelevant - we separated. Time passed and studying the behavior of Bolivia in the war of the Pacific and even more so in the postwar period, in which secretly negotiated with Chile an outlet to the sea through Peruvian territory or that they asked for the cession of Tacna and Arica, according to confidential documents revealed in the book a difficult neighborhood of disappeared and prestigious Ambassador Alfonso Benavides CorreI do not trust the Bolivian governments. Moreover, due to the Mediterranean from Bolivia and the conflicts that caused denial of sale of gas or diversion of rivers leaving the Chilean North without water - this last eventually overcome, is an imminent collision, that you can drag to the Peru. Fortunately we no longer have a defensive Pact with La Paz as in 1879 and Bolivia demanded that we endured, while Hilarion Daza dictator imposed a tax to the saltpeter mapochas violating the Treaty with Chile's 1874 - causing to Santiago, which served as a pretext for starting the war. Stricto sensu the Peru should not enter in the race, but fend truths Chile also coveted our territory, but had no subterfuge to declare us war. Recent agreements with Bolivia, which evoke and perfect those in 1992, dan La Paz largest and best conditions, such as port facilities, the construction of a wharf, the establishment of an annex to the Naval School of Bolivia and the authorization to which the Bolivian Navy ships often operate cooperation and instruction, among other purposes. .


In the province of Mendoza, accommodations in category based its proposals on the beauty of the landscape and the variety of gastronomy. In the imposing valle de Las Lenas, excellent ski resort pride of Mendoza, prestige lodgings as the PISCES hotels, Innsbruck and aquarium stand out for its careful cuisine. The Piscis hotel offers a wide selection of styles through the restaurants Allegro and four seasons. Even its undisputed gourmet space Il Legno, with the best of Italian cuisine. In recent months, Facebook has been very successful. The terraces of the hotels Innsbruck and Aquarium give the possibility to have lunch or dinner enjoying a unique view.

Already in San Rafael, near El Nihuil, the beauty of the landscape joins the possibility of enjoying the best fishing. The trout are a specialty of this area of Mendoza: lodgings as the hosteria Nihuil, the hotel Valle Grande or la Posada del Lago include them as main stars of its menu. Also the San Rafael chivitos enjoyed well-deserved fame throughout the province. And, in view of the large number of foreign tourists that visit Mendoza, probably in the world. Much of the traditional wineries have incorporated in Mendoza, accommodations. But, equipped or not with hosting service, in any Miss restaurant.

And although the real star of the place is its wine cellar, the cuisine of Mendoza never disappoints. In the restaurants of the wineries, they often send Mediterranean inspiration or traditional Argentine cuisine. But always with a touch of creative and avant-garde author. The finest indigenous ingredients are carefully selected to achieve a perfect pairing with the dazzling wines that the province produces. Vineyards of the Golf Lodge is a good example of this: just 20 minutes from San Rafael, three exclusive rooms en suite and a small restaurant kitchen design argentina provide a framework for all types of wine tourism activities: tastings, courses and excursions ranging from the winery to the vineyard and the wine cellar to the tasting room. Already in the capital of Mendoza, accommodations that combine comfort and gastronomic excellence receive visitors in areas more selected city. The Alliance between the best of French cuisine and unsurpassed Mendoza commodity nace La Bourgogne. The prestigious chef Jean Paul Bondoux receives spirits gourmets in the elegant culinary stronghold Diplomatic Park Suites hotel, in a proposal for a very high level. To surrender.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Recipes Homemade

When a person suffers from the affliction of the acne often can reach found in a mood quite uneven. The pressures that cause see the complications of acne every day, usually a hard shock to the self-esteem of those who usually suffer from this affliction. If we add to that the fact that the highest percentage of people who suffer from this condition, are teenagers, then the situation becomes worse, since a teenager is just acquiring the tools to cope with the adversities of life. The changes tend to be very many. However, not all is lost for people who are in this situation. There are a variety of home remedies for acne that can be very useful in the treatment and combat of this condition. But rather than the recipe itself, it should be noted, that the most important thing is having an attitude of patience.

A certainty that everything will happen. Only a stage is where it passes through. There are two recipes that might be useful to them. The first is the most simple of all. Maybe you've already heard it previously. However, it is important that let me say it once more. You should wash your face several times a day, and at all costs avoid touching it. He is repeated so many times this coming to tire however, is the best way to attack this condition.

Then we must be constancy of washing every day several times a day, and at night and in the morning you can get use the leaves of a plant aloe vera. Is short a little bit of a leaf of the plant is cut by half and is applied on the face. If done at night, it is necessary to put a towel or something disposable because the plant stain. A method there are 100% natural try and guaranteed to eliminate acne in days, not months. To get rid completely of acne forever, read as I couldn't do it by clicking here.

Monday, 27 May 2013

The Mtabolism Advantage

On this occasion, eating will help you lose weight in a healthy way. The goal: speed up your metabolism Aceitate beat the scale with some fish. Researchers of the Laboratorie de la Nutrition, in France, concluded that men who replaced 6 g of fat in their diets with 2 g of fish oil promote your metabolism and lose on average 1 kg at 12 weeks. You can use it as a mouthwash and thus send the bacteria more beyond. Burn you in undertaking an intense exercise session turn on engines and begins to burn fat: your body cools down and recovers from the muscle microtrauma.

This process can dissolve between 100 and 200 calories, explains Dr. John Berardi, author of The Mtabolism Advantage. Proteinizate proteins are burned more than other food resources, says Dr. Mark Hyman, author of Ultrametabolism. In fact, the calories coming from protein burn twice faster. It allows your metabolism active the spark with a couple of scrambled eggs at breakfast, for example.

Botanea spicy food is synonym of active metabolism. A study by Universite Lava, in Canada, found that men who swallow snacks or spicy foods, as well as coffee, can burn fat, up to 1,000 calories more per day than those who consume less spicy foods. You must maintain a discrete rate, unless you want the complexion of a fire truck. Accelerate you Consume green pepper, tomatoes and other foods rich in vitamin C to stoke the flames of the oven and burn fat. A research of the University of Colorado, in the United States, reported that this vitamin can activate a metabolism at rest and burn fat and up to 100 calories a day. It is easier to load weights, but does not generate muscle. To take into account: low-fat doesn't mean fewer calories. In accordance with the Health Promotion Board, in United States, food tagged? low fat must contain no more than 3 g of fat per 100 g. It is a sort of trap for bears that expected fall little round. Remove the grease to your dinner rolls and need to replace it with something else, explains dietitian Juliette Kellow. It is often replaced with sugar. The next time that you choose something with that tag searches the contents of sugar and calculates the total calories per serving. The fat might not be that makes you gain weight.

National Association

We are used to eating with a high salt content, which we mistakenly transmitted to our children, to educate them with the same eating habits, that prepare the food we use more salt than necessary, believing that we give good flavor, must become aware and begin by changing the taste for salt, getting us used to cook low in saltso our children will be adapting the sense of taste from early to this taste, and thus will contribute to lower the risk of hypertension and obesity that so overwhelm us. Americans consume very high amounts of sodium in their food, well above the public health recommendations, average American ingests more than 3,400 milligrams of sodium a day, double what is recommended. Delete your table salt is necessary to know also that it is not only the salt we add to what we eat, but food usually buy, like ham, Turkey, cheese, canned, all these and more contain high salt content, it is necessary to have present to go shopping look the product labels to monitor not only the percentage of fat if also the sodium and try to buy that lower sodium concentration contains. The Institute of medicine and the centers Control and prevention, published a report pioneer, who came to the Congress of the United States, where show the connection between salt and hypertension, the stroke and heart attack. The report also noted that one of every three adults suffers from high blood pressure, one of the leading causes of death.

By what is being strengthened every time the campaign against salt, for this have developed several strategies to reduce sodium: the Institute of medicine's freedom, strategies for reducing sodium in the United States, reached the conclusion in his report that the rules are needed to help restaurants and manufacturers to reduce sodium, so that all sources in the food supply to propose it. They recommend the goal of reducing slowly of sodium in processed foods so that go unnoticed. This would allow time to adjust to levels lower than a current daily average of 3,400 milligrams to the objective goal of 1,500 milligrams. The city of New York established the national salt reduction initiative. A National Association to lower salt levels in food of habit, is formed by health organizations, States, cities, restaurants and food manufacturers. They established the objectives for foods packaged and eaten in restaurants. Medical media have joined the war on salt, highlighting programs with creative ways to tame the taste for salt. It should be noted also that people should decide and join this initiative. It is in your hands.

Sunday, 26 May 2013

The Pope In Israel

Ulrich W. Sahm hGalil writes about diplomatic reprobaciones between Israel and the Vatican. They discussed issues such as who, when or where he was going to give a speech and in which zone. Jerusalen Mayor Nir Barkat, had invited for example the papal delegation to a magical afternoon in Jerusalem. As the place of congregation was planned in the eastern region of the city, which Israel conquered in 1967, and since the Vatican does not recognize Israeli sovereignty over East Jerusalem, this demanded the Mayor to refrain from giving a speech of welcome. This gave reason to the Vatican received the following response: the Mayor will give a speech. Who wants to come to the ceremony of welcome, come. The celebration will be held in any way.

Israeli newspapers reported with comments from enmity and malhumorados about the papal visit starting Monday. IM-POPular headline Jedijot Achronot on a double page article on the visit of the German blessed Benedict, who was once a soldier in Hitler's army and the militia. A famous survivor of the Holocaust, Noah Kliger, recalled a speech by Joseph Ratzinger in the town of Auschwitz in January 2006. Mr Kliger concluded his comments with some uneasiness, noting: as we know, the ways of God to people, both Jews and Christians, we are unknown. This seems to be valid also for the ways of the representative of God on Earth. Before such a bad environment in the country, Israel has set in motion a huge white tunic protection action.

80,000 policemen and officers have participated in it, thus becoming the operation of larger security that has existed in the history of Israel. However as Jesus de Nazareth came into Israel gets approx. did 2000 years, mounted on the back of a donkey, possibly alongside 12 unarmed escorts. What they both Benedicto XVI fears? Do you have anything bad It awareness?, because if not so he could travel more easily to Jerusalem, giving a good example. Perhaps they are their conflicting statements against the use of the condom, which always have unpleasant consequences for him. In the Netherlands for example, him has declared a people's Court of the Reality Television guilty, responsible for the deaths of millions of people suffering from AIDS. The Pope can be protected by 80,000 policemen. But, why don't you trust in God, if he is his representative on Earth? When Jesus de Nazareth passed by Earth, said clearly: My Kingdom is not of this world. And precisely in the Bible of the Pope is written: My Kingdom is not of this world; If my Kingdom were of this world, my ministers would have struggled, so that it was not delivered to the Jews, but my Kingdom is not from here. (Juan 18.

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Serves SKTool

We have talked on several occasions about the importance of properly selecting keywords and the result that this action will have on our subsequent efforts of positioning in the search engines. Google proposes one of the most interesting online tools that we know, in order to achieve maximum efficiency when choosing keywords, and it's that developed Google AdWords, i.e. the SKTool (#) for your product. Let's review the functions of the new version of this tool and see how same Google is responsible of all the essential elements for positioning in the first places. It is only a question of understanding them. Firstly, should log in to enter the SKTool.

Otherwise we will find spam traps that will only make us lose time. It is possible to login with a Google account. Once ingreados we are going to the tab of tools and reports. There you will find two fields to complete. The first is the key word or phrase and the second is the web site.

If it is the first time you use this tool, I advise you to start with a single word or key phrase, in order to be able to clearly measure the quality of results that Google offers. We then complete with the information relevant to our own page. We see that we have the option to click on show only ideas directly related to search terms. Choosing this option Google will return us the results available to all possible keyword variations, which will give us a much broader result. You can also select the desired location (e.g. only Spain or Spain and Latin America) as well as the language. Then click on search and obtain all the necessary information instantly to the most effective selection of key words. Google then presents the results sorted in a table. The first column is the key words that Google will not suggest from which we entered. The second column is the competition, It indicates the degree of relationship that has that term with the content of our web site. How much taller the competition more difficult will be to get a TOP10 position for our page. The third column brings us the global monthly searches. This column along with the next, reflecting local monthly searches, is of utmost importance because it will give us the degree of effectiveness of each of the words or phrases (KEI or Keyword Effectiveness Index). For example, it is not the same first position to a term that only has 480 global monthly searches that for another term that has more than 300,000. Obviously the words that we will generate more traffic will be those with greatest number of monthly searches, either global or local. But these words are also the most difficult position, since the competition is greater. The last column returns us local search trends or developments in the number of searches that each term is taking to the length of a certain period of time. This can tell us, for example, that there are terms that are becoming more sought after, while others are falling into oblivion. Finally we can export this table in various formats, to be able to analyze it with greater precision, for example from an Excel worksheet. Understand this information know is the direct passage to the top of the search engine results pages, and especially a good positioning in Google. If you liked this post and want to place it on your site, you can do so smoothly, provided you cite as a source to

Friday, 24 May 2013

Spain Levels

A world of noises here made nest Thunder Flint and marble. Miguel Hernandez. THE pollution acoustics threat our health live in a world of noise. Noise is one of the most insidious environmental aggressions of today's society. In the urban environment coexist multitude of sources of noise that when combined in anarchic way contribute to the acoustic degradation of the environment. If you would like to know more then you should visit steveblank .

Road traffic is the major source of noise. Other important sources are the public works and construction, as well as markets, bars, refuse collection, shows to the outdoors, etc. Noise pollution is not only a problem in big cities but also rural communities. Three of every four Spaniards who live in a city are exposed to a noise level that the world Organization of the health (who) considers unhealthy. According to a report by the OECD, Spain is one of the countries with the highest percentage of population exposed to high levels of environmental noise. One in four Spanish It supports levels above 65 decibels (A), considered as the limit tolerance or acceptability.

The results of investigations coincide in stating that noise pollution constitutes a serious threat to the health and quality of life of the population. What determines that a sound becomes noise, sound not accepted and therefore rejected, is the form that is perceived and evaluated by the human recipient. In addition to its effects on hearing, continued exposure to high levels of noise may cause other many physiological effects in particular affecting the cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive system. Exposure of women workers pregnant to high levels of noise at work can affect the fetus. With regard to the psychological effects arising from exposure to noise, the most common is the discomfort. This psychological reaction has its origin among other causes, in multiple interference that causes noise in various activities of man, such as communication and sleep. In addition to preventing the enjoyment of adequate rest, noise may adversely affect the capacity of attention and concentration, hindering learning and decreasing performance. It can also produce alterations in behavior that can momentarily, become more irritable or even aggressive. The noise causes enormous health, social and industrial costs, and is directly responsible for thousands of accidents, of 1.5 percent of the working days lost and up to 20 percent of psychiatric consultations. In conclusion it should be stressed the importance which is today the fight against noise pollution, in order to achieve a less aggressive than the current environment. Environmental noise control is a responsibility of the whole society that you should understand the importance that has an appropriate acoustic environment for health and well-being. And as the poet said: the Brook sings softly / and loudly the torrent. / And the voices of the two / the current takes them. Francisco Arias Solis without freedom life is worth little. For peace and freedom and Forum free Internet portal.